The Real End

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Or that's what I wish had happened. I didn't feel like finishing the story. It was starting to get out of hand.

I have a lot of spare time to daydream now about the possibilities of my life, even if they're incredibly unrealistic. Anything would be better than the current situation.

I sat next to the body of a young boy named Izuku Midoriya, 14 years old, 5 feet 4 inches tall. He's got messy green hair and identical freckles on each side of his face. Big, green eyes that were now closed, and a very subtle smile on his face. His cold, dead face, that lost its brightness and color. He lay on his side, his face barely scraping the concrete. Blood oozed from the spots where his bones had been shattered and stained the sidewalk. The salty tears of Katsuki Bakugo landed on his lifeless body. A lifeless, quirkless, worthless body. Izuku just wanted to rest in peace, but now here I am. Maybe I'm in hell.

Katsuki didn't bother to call for help. He could barely fathom the idea of what was going on. He knew Izuku was dead, and that it was his fault. He could be charged for this and put into custody, but that didn't matter. The guilt he would carry on his back for the rest of his life is far worse than any material punishment. He knew that if anyone found out about this, he would be slandered for it for a lifetime. Not just by other people, but mostly the voices in his head. He can't escape them. Nobody would ever see him for the person he really is. They would see him as a bully no matter what he did. Or worse. A murderer.

He fell to his knees and let out a cry full of anguish and fear. His goons, as I like to call them, came running around the corner, and the shock in their faces was priceless. Don't get the wrong idea, though. I don't feel pride in my actions. I didn't know it would affect Kacchan like this.

"Did he really.." One of them could just barely form words. Katsuki didn't respond. He couldn't respond, and didn't have to. They all knew the answer.

I reached out to him and held him in my arms. I knew he couldn't feel me, but I hope it somehow came through to him that even after all this time, Izuku wouldn't want him to live in pain for the rest of his life. He would want Katsuki to smile through his suffering, and to be the strong person he always was. He would want Katsuki to become a great, successful hero, and to forget about him. It was going to be harder for Katsuki than you would think, though. Now that Izuku is gone, he'll never be the same person again. All of what I just described wasn't going to happen.

After some shuddering and crying, and a lot of consideration, Katsuki did the unthinkable. He sat on the edge of the roof and looked down at the horrendous scene below. He knew he couldn't run away from this, but he could at least try. He couldn't bear it anymore. Now, he always makes the excuse that it was a "spur-of-the-moment decision." I'm sure he's not lying, but that idiot had other, better options. As his limp body hit the ground, and his eyes slowly and painfully shut, he saw me and sat up. He gave me a tearful look, and I returned one.

"Couldn't live for two seconds without me, Kacchan?"


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