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(Bakugo POV)

I made a mistake coming here.

"You're not understanding, you idiot," I said, struggling against my bindings. I was getting frantic, but I didn't care. I just wanted to get out of there. "Just listen- I'm not pretending. If I were, do you really think I would bend my teacher's rules just to come see you?"

"Well either way.." He took gradual steps toward me until he was within arm's reach. "If you were faking or not, seeing me here would make you want to do something, as in trying to stop me. Correct?" His eyes met mine, and it sent a shudder throughout my body. I couldn't control my mouth. What is this? Is it like the purple-haired guy at the sports festival?

"Correct." I quite literally choked on my own words.

"And whether you still hated me or not, you would want to come help me to make yourself look heroic."

"Yeah." I shook my head, trying to rid myself of whatever came over me. Then Deku blinked and I felt normal again.

"I see. You're selfish. Fishing for clout."

"No, that's not it at all!" I started panicking. Am I gonna have to listen to this nerd go off on an endless tangent forever?

"That contradicts what you just told me." He started to lose his composed look. I tried exploding my way out of this dumb chair, but it didn't work. I was helpless. "People like you disappoint me. You poor, corrupt minds. It almost seems as if the entire world is like this." Deku started ranting. "Isn't that the reason behind villains anyway..?" In that moment, I could almost see the little light bulb turning on above his head, as if he just made an astounding discovery. "That's it.. I know what to do! Oh, this is great. People are the problem, Kacchan! People like you! I'll dispose of all you sick jerks!" He swiftly grabbed a knife from a small sheath at his side. I couldn't keep myself from trembling. "I'll change the world, starting with you! I'LL KILL YOU!!!!"

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING- STOP! THIS ISN'T RIGHT!" It's too late. I'm going to die at the hands of the person I've always looked down on. I was still struggling against the material which bound me to the chair. It's all over.

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