Who's the Green-Haired Kid?

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(Bakugo POV)

All Might really is powerful. He was fast enough to push me out of the villain's line of fire, and able to smash that weird thing through the roof. Deku would've loved to see this.. but he's not here. At least now I have one less person to surpass. The villains started leaving once that hand guy started throwing a fit. Good riddance, we just wasted a whole class on these bozos. We did get combat "training", but this was supposed to be rescue. What a waste.

Wait. Deku is here. He's going through that portal with the villains! No, I'm just hallucinating.. he's admired heroes for too long, he would never become a villain! Unless I pushed him too far.. nah. That's just not him.

His eyes met mine and all of my doubt was removed.

(Todoroki POV)

Why is this kid just standing off to the side while all the other villains are fighting? I understand that he may not be suitable for any tasks they have, but to bring him along without purpose is foolish.

(Asui POV)

It's not that hard to read him, he doesn't have the heart to be an actual villain. Maybe if some pros were to step in, he may convert to the good side. He's a novice. I can just tell. Ribbit.

(Mineta POV)

Who is this random kid? Could he kill us? I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE-

(Aizawa POV)

It's irrational to bring a kid along if you're not going to guide him and instead just let him do his own thing. What was their motive in pushing him into a battle? Now that I know they have a child with them, whether he's there willingly or not, I'm going to look into it after I heal from all these shattered bones. Ow.

(Kirishima POV)

I wonder if they took that green-haired kid from another school or he chose to go with them. He looks about our age. Either way, it's not very manly to bring him to a battle and not let him do anything.

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