What's This?

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The sports festival so far was just a lot of contests, notes and weird looks from the people next to me. One of them called me a fanboy, so I replied with a classic "if only you knew how many times I've heard that" which shut them up for now. I recognized the champion of the cavalry battle as the peppermint boy from the USJ. I didn't see Tsu at all. She must have went with a stealthier, less showy strategy. 

The first match of the last event was over fairly quickly. The victor, Yosetsu Awase according to Present Mic, had a solid strategy against the purple guy, Shinso. Apparently his quirk brainwashes people. He kept asking Awase questions which I thought was kind of weird, but Awase kept his mouth shut and went in for hand-to-hand combat. Awase was able to pin Shinso and fuse him to the floor of the stadium deeming him immobile. Interesting, the way these little battles work. Whoever has stronger physical ability is almost guaranteed a win. Then again, you could have a very agile person versus a person with exceeding physical strength, and it would be near impossible to tell exactly who would win, given their quirks and their intelligence level.

....did I say all of that out loud? I could've sworn it was in my head. The entire section I was sitting in was staring at me! Their eyes had an odd sheen to them. Did they hear all of what I said? Think think think. Did I say anything related to the LOV? I don't think so, they probably just think I'm a weird fanboy. I started to panic. Everything started getting dark and blurry. Am I dying?!

Just then I blinked, and everything went back to normal. Nobody was staring at me anymore.

I didn't think too much of it, and continued to watch the next match. It went quicker than the last, as I expected. That tape guy could be strong, but in this case his quirk just won't cut it against Todoroki. I'm not a stalker by the way, I'm just writing down names from the announcements. Don't worry.

The next few matches seemed to pass rapidly, except for the one with the two hard guys and the one with the fast guy and the inventor girl. They were both unnecessarily drug out. The girl's a natural born businesswoman, I might add. I took a few notes on the hardening quirks just for myself.

This battle was the one I anticipated. I could get a few good notes off of this one. Kacchan was in this one, so I could get information on him for... future reference. And the girl has an interesting quirk as well. I feel this one will be entertaining.

Just as I expected, Kacchan was firing off blasts left and right at the girl, but to my surprise she kept charging at him. I looked up at a huge patch of floating rubble. Huh. Smart girl. Kacchan's quirk was starting to take a toll on him, obviously, but when she let the rocks fall he just obliterated them. That's the Kacchan I know, he won't settle for anything less than victory. I heard a few morons yelling at him but decided to ignore it. He won the match, but unlike the old Kacchan he didn't flash a smile, a smirk, nothing at the girl. His face was more serious than I'd ever seen it, and he walked off without another word.

Awase versus Todoroki was kind of lame. He got frozen immediately, just like all the others. I'll have to watch out for him in the future. Yes, I wrote that down.


The last duel gave me quite a few opportunities for notes, and another plus is that Kacchan was having a hard time. That's new. It was the best one by far, seeing two people of similar power levels as their quirks clash with each other constantly, in a vicious, desperate battle for victory. Neither of them was letting up.

In the middle of the match, Todoroki shot me another cold stare. Is this just a thing he does or did he recognize me?

Kacchan did end up winning like he said but he wasn't too happy about it. I was too far away to hear why, but then again he's never happy. That's something to take note of. People may be fooled by his anger, but he's too passionate about being a hero to ever give that up. If anyone thinks otherwise, they are sorely mistaken.

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