Ketchup Stain

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"I'm so glad you could come." I heard Shiggy from the other room and decided to investigate. "We could use a guy like you."

"And why should I join your league?" I didn't recognize the man, but he had a psychotic aura about him. Something told me he was powerful. I could be wrong.

"Shiggy, who is this-" I stood off to the side to observe. No answer.

"What are you after?" The man was clearly getting impatient with Shigaraki.

"Well for now, I just want to kill All Might. He's so annoying. Along with anything I don't like. I'll destroy it all." Shiggy was so nonchalant like there wasn't a dude with blades coming out of his ears standing in front of us (not literally).

"I was foolish to be interested. There's no real meaning in killing without conviction." He reached for his blades. His views so far are interesting, I'd like to hear more.

"He's not wrong, Shiggy. Maybe you should listen to the man," I said.

"It's hard to tell when you're being sarcastic, kid. And don't call me that." Shigaraki started scratching his neck like always. "Stain doesn't know what he's talking about." The hero killer, eh?

In a flash, Stain whipped out his blades and pinned Shiggy to the floor, stabbing him in the arm. "Ugh, Kurogiri, get this guy out of here. I don't like him." Shiggy started to complain.

 "Tomura- I can't move-" Kurogiri was standing there with a cut on his shoulder. I looked down at mine to see an almost identical one. I tried to move, but I was stuck. 

"This society is riddled with frauds, fake heroes," Stain lectured. "Even the word itself has lost its true meaning. My desire is to rid the world of these fakes, and you'll be no help. All Might is the only worthy one." Maybe he is stupid.

Shigaraki grabbed Stain's blade and started using his quirk. "You talk too much," he said, "I don't have anything big in mind like 'conviction,' but I'll destroy All Might and trash like that this stupid society worships." Completely destroying the blade, Stain jumped back and glared at him.

"Most heroes are frauds, correct," Stain's gaze turned to me as I spoke. "but keep in mind All Might is not the only true hero. Besides, he does it for fame as well, fake branding is a thing. So why do you say he's the only one worthy?"

Stain gaped at me, not saying a word. I walked toward him being that I was now able to move and grinned. His eyes got thinner as he looked at me. "Who are you to say that?"

"There are many, many heroes out there. How could you possibly know which ones are real?" He was clearly stuck.

"I could kill you faster than you can snap, kid, don't get any closer."

"Do it, I dare you. You don't intimidate me." I wasn't lying, I'm slightly taller than him since he's slouching and his mask just made him look like a cartoon character. He went silent and continued to look me straight in the eye, like he was trying to read my mind.

"Don't get all high and mighty."

"I'm not, I'm just saying. You didn't answer my questions. Am I right?" I said. He grunted and took his blade back out. I was unarmed, but I wasn't going to say anything.

"You're messing with me. Not smart."

"If I weren't smart I wouldn't have proved you wrong." I could see the anger building up in his eyes.

"Fine. Why do you think you know better than me? I'm older. I have more experience."

"You're letting your emotions take over you. Don't say anything until you calm down." He listened. Rookie mistake. Now I know I can manipulate him. "When are you going out to kill again?"

"In two days time."

"Good. Meet me outside this building before you go. I want to speak with you." I didn't know if he actually would, but we can hope.

Shigaraki just stared at us both rubbing his shoulder, mainly at me, but said nothing. If I can fix this messed-up killer, maybe we can both get what we want.

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