A Typical Conversation with Class 1A

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(Aizawa POV)

The day right after the USJ attack I walked into class in what Hizashi had called "mummy" attire. I was covered in bandages from my head to my torso, but I most certainly will not leave my class to be attended by Hizashi or All Might. They won't learn anything. Besides, Recovery Girl was able to give me enough healing to function nicely.

Naturally, the students started getting frantic about my bandages and asked if I was feeling well. I'm never feeling well but it's the thought that counts. Bakugo was oddly silent today. I recognize the face of someone who's mind is littered with intrusive thoughts. Then again, I'm sure many of my students are internally scarred given the events yesterday.

"Silence yourselves and have a seat. I'm feeling fine, thank you for your concern," I instructed. They listened, of course. "Before I address the topic you all have been looking forward to, meaning the UA sports festival, I feel the need to speak with you about yesterday's events. Keep in mind that it is what it is, but it would be irrational to go about our day without dispatching the situation. If you have any thoughts, feel free to share. And for your information, we have upgraded the school's security system, and we're taking important measures to keep you all safe. Mineta, there's no reason to wet your pants."

Asui, without hesitating, raised her hand, so I granted her permission to speak. "There was a kid our age there. He wasn't really doing anything, but I saw him taking notes. He didn't stop me from reading them, and I saw sections about you, Todoroki, and the weird creature thing that they brought." I saw the child as well, but I failed to catch any details. If Asui was in close quarters with him, I'll let her explain what she witnessed.

"I saw him too. He was in the landslide zone when I was sent there." Todoroki spoke, which is not something he does often. "That's how he has notes on me. Do you think he's trying to gather information for the villains to feed off of?"

"He might share it with the villains, but it just seemed like he was doing it for himself. As a hobby. The notes didn't look very professional at all, but I guess that doesn't really mean anything. Ribbit."

"Do you remember anything about his appearance or personal information? Any statistics available to us would be critically practical." These kids really are something else. They're all very observant, and their thinking processes are firm and intelligent. Maybe except for Kaminari, but he's special in his own way.

"His hair kind of looked like broccoli. He had freckles and big green eyes. He also told me he wanted to go by Deku, but I don't think that's his real name. If it is, his parents have problems. He stuttered a lot too." Asui looked me straight in the eye with her normal blank expression, and Bakugo shifted in his seat. He muttered something under his breath, most likely cussing someone out. "Is there something you would like to tell us, Bakugo?" He shook his head and asked to use the restroom. I told him to wait until we were finished talking, and his expression only got angrier from there.

"Does anyone who saw him know why he was there?"

"It really just looked like he was there to watch," Kirishima said, "but if you mean the reason he was with the villains, it didn't look like he was there unwillingly. He didn't ask anyone for help or anything, but he wasn't acting like a villain either."

"We know he's with them, though. I saw him go through the portal thing," Bakugo said and altered his positioning in his seat yet again. This kid just won't sit still. It does seem like he knows something we don't, and he's keeping it hidden from the rest of the class. He's displayed nothing other than stress since the attack.

"When he was in the landslide zone and I caught him staring at me, he went into a state of panic." Todoroki is one of my most attentive students. "It was almost like he wasn't sure what to do if I were to confront him."

"Well obviously he's not too fit as a villain, we know that much. So what stopped us from just arresting him?" Like I have explained, Kaminari isn't too bright in most, if not all, situations.

"He was too powerful man," Sero butted in with his sass for the millionth time, "we could never just straight up arrest a kid like that. His strength alone radiating off his body was simply unapproachable." What a nutcase.

"This is no time to joke around, Hanta Sero." More than half of the time, using a student's full name will persuade them to shut their mouth. Like I predicted, he did exactly that. "He was not incorrect in that we couldn't arrest him, being there was no reason to. He hadn't hurt anyone, and we have no physical proof he actually is a villain. We also have no idea what he is capable of. Here's a simple illustration for you. Imagine he has some sort of weapon, or a quirk, and we were lead to believe he was unarmed. He ends up hurting several of you, and possibly some policemen. What would you do then?" Silence. "Asui, you were very lucky he hadn't done anything to you. Please be sure a potential villain is completely powerless against you before probing them. Got it?" Every one of them nodded except for Bakugo. That doesn't surprise me.

Ashido raised her hand, but didn't wait for me to approve before she started speaking. "But what's gonna happen to him? Why are we talking about him and not the other villains?" 

"Think about what your peers told us about him. If he hasn't hurt anyone, and we don't know why he's there, some of the other pros and I are looking into potentially using him as a way to find the League of Villains. Additionally, he may just be on the brink of becoming a threat to us in the case that he is a recruit of the league, and a hero's overall concern is to keep the crime rate as low as possible. There is another possibility he has a quirk that would bestow a long term negative effect upon us, although that is highly unlikely given the circumstance along with his attitude."

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Kirishima blurted out.

"All you needed to do was give me as much information as possible, in the view of the fact that I or Thirteen could not capture much ourselves as we were occupied by other more important matters. Please do not try and take this matter into your own hands." Adding that last part could have been crucial, knowing some of my students. And of those I suspect would do something like that, there are a few who might even deliberately disobey.

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