Just Bakugo Overthinking

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(Kacchan POV)

I was thinking a lot about seeing that nerd the other day. I just can't wrap my head around it. What in the world possessed him? Was he being held hostage? That's why I hadn't seen him since that sludge villain attack. That's the only thing I can think of that makes sense. He couldn't have become a hero anyway, but I didn't think he'd go this far.

He's weak, but he's got spirit.

There's literally no reason for him to go and be a villain. Unless I did something wrong. Nah. I was only telling him the truth. He's just a quirkless wannabe.

But then what happens if he gets stronger? If he really is a villain? Those guys who attacked the USJ.. what if they give him some sort of power? He wouldn't ever dream of attacking me personally, but given my new life as a hero student and soon a hero, it's my job to oppose and destroy people like him. If he is a villain, that is. If he gets stronger, that could pose as a problem for me. He could get in my way. This is what I was always afraid of. He was never stronger than me, but if a weakling like him gets too powerful, I'm in huge trouble. Especially because of what I said to him. He'll either aim for me or surpass me, and either way I'll be (quack)ed. Maybe I won't be (quack)ed if he remains weak and tries to kill me, because I'll just kill him, but the truth is.. I don't really want him to die. I just say that to him to lower his spirits. 

If he dies, I won't have my main competitor anymore. I won't have anyone to look down on. I could find someone else but he's been there my whole life, looking up to me. Except for that one time we don't talk about, when he underestimated me, but that's not the point. If he does end up looking down on me again.. I don't know what I'll do.

In the case he's there against his will, me being a hero and all that, there's only one thing I can do, and that's something he taught me. I'm gonna regret saying it, but..

If you know someone's in need, you should try to help them.

I'm not worried about him, okay?! I just.. I just know he won't fend well on his own. I'm only helping him because it's the right thing to do, and because I don't want him to be able to look down on me. I'm only doing it so I can do something great that he'll never match up to. And I'll do it on my own.

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