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Two days went by in no time and as promised, Stain came back to headquarters. I must say I'm surprised.

"What did you want to talk with me about, kid?" he asked as I came outside.

"I was wondering if I could come with you today. You know, it's a good opportunity for both of us."

"And how exactly would it benefit me?" He stared me down with a skeptical look on his face.

"I could help you. You kill the fake heroes right?" I whipped out my notebook. "I've got all the information you need right here. Their quirks, their motives, their power levels. It'll be easier with me around. I'll tell you what they can do, and you can use that to your advantage."

"Hmm.. give me the notebook, and you've got a deal." He thinks I'm an idiot. Now that I know what he wants, I can use it to get what I want.

"Ah. No no no. If you want the information I've got to come along. There's no other way."

"Tch." He thought for a minute, and then looked back up at me. "We've got no time to waste. Let's go."

We used Kurogiri's portal to travel to Hosu city. On top of a water tower. How are we supposed to get down-

Stain grabbed my arm firmly and jumped off. I don't really know how to react to that.

We walked behind buildings for a few minutes when I heard a deafening crash, and then bright flames came into view. There was screeching, but the loudest shriek definitely wasn't human. Sounded like some sort of-

"NOMU!!!" Yeah, that.

There was a lot of screaming and running around out there, but one of the pros happened to wander into the alleyway and that's when Stain snatched him up swiftly and cut him, paralyzing him easily. The pro was speechless, gaping at us. Obviously confused.

"Who's this one?" Stain asked me. I flipped through my notebook.


"What's their quirk?" I didn't actually know the answer to that question. Not a lot of people do, he's a lesser known pro.

"Cultural appropriation."

"What th-" Stain looked back at Native with a glare that felt like blades were coming right out of his eyes. "Motives?"

"Unknown." I shook my head and let out a sigh. "Maybe you shouldn't kill them if you don't know what they're after. You could be harming a good pro." Native started to stutter.

"You won't get away this time, hero killer! Someone will stop you!" He began to panick and yell out for help. 

"If you're a real hero, you wouldn't be in this situation. You would have been out there helping the other pros fight." Stain put a blade up to Native's neck. He wasn't listening to me. That's annoying. "I'll get to the good part now." I crossed my arms and leaned up against a wall to watch, just out of sight in the shadows.

Just then, something swooped in and knocked Stain's blade clean out of his hand, flinging it  right towards me. I caught it with one hand and braced myself in case of more flying knives. There was a boy laying on the ground. He must've been the one to nearly kill me just now.

"Who are you? You look like you came for revenge." Stain took out another blade and pointed it just inches from the boy's face.

"I am the younger brother of a hero you attacked," he said. "I've come to do what he can no longer, and stop you for good!" I could hear Judgement Knights of Thunder in the background. "Remember this name. Ingenium will be the one to defeat you."

This must be Ingenium's heir. His injury wasn't on the media much, but I did manage to find a few snippets of the deal. In my opinion, he was a good hero. A "real" one, if you will. That's why I don't agree with Stain's morals. He should really do some research every once and a while.

But clearly, Ingenium's brother is nothing like him.

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