Everyday Mind Control

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Not sure where Toga and Dabi are now, but what does it matter? I'm being dragged down a stereotypical dim, musty stairway. There are more important things to think about.

Shigaraki held my wrist, averting one finger from contact so as not to decay me. I've told him I can walk normally several times, but he refuses to listen, his excitement getting the best of him.

Finally making it to the bottom of the stairway, we entered a faintly lit basement type area. I laid my eyes upon large tanks, sort of like vats, containing many Nomus. I could see the tops of the brains sticking out of the mysterious liquid, which was illuminated from the bottom, revealing their distorted bodies.

"Where do you people get the funding for this stuff?" That was all I could think to say. Nobody here has a job, I'm pretty sure. 

"The Master uses his quirks, you moron," Shigaraki said. He looked up at me like I was stupid.

"Well where is this Master of yours? I'd be delighted to meet him."

"As would I, young man." Some dude with oxygen tubes practically coming out of his ears approached us. He'd probably be dead without his equipment. Just how old is this guy? He dresses like my great-grandfather's great grandfather. So out of style. I could go on and on.

I wasn't sure how to confront the situation at all. If I say anything out of line he won't be very fond of me.

"All For One?"


Is that literally all I could say?!

"That's me. And as for you, I have some good news." I wonder what that could be. Maybe he'll finally give me a quirk? That would be cool-

"Oh, I've already given you a quirk. But that's not the best part." I couldn't read his expression behind his mask, which was kind of frustrating, so I couldn't tell his intentions. I was a little shocked by that statement. Just a little.

"How- did you just read my thoughts? You can do that?" Hopefully he didn't see the ones about his clothes.

"Selectively. Now, the quirk I've given you is known as Exploitation. It's a work I've created myself, combining a few different individual quirks. It allows you to draw information from a person by looking them in the eye, and there is a chance they will obey you until you blink. It's a common variation of a quirk (ex. brainwash, confession etc.), but quite a powerful one, considering that at the last minute I integrated an agility enhancer. It will make you quite precisely a fine young villain, and it seems to fit you well, if I do say so myself. Of course Kurogiri's training helps you with it additionally." I goggled at the possibilities as he spoke. This is amazing! I'll have to write it down once I get the chance. 

"Does it have any drawbacks?"

"Not that I know of, but if they are they're very minimal." It seems he's taken a liking to me, though I'm not sure why. "Enjoy your quirk."

"Thank you so much! I'm honored! How can I ever repay you? This is all I've ever wanted since I was so young!" I could hardly contain my enthusiasm. How did I not even notice I had the quirk?

"There's no need for compensation. Just stay loyal, and you have my approval. You're an intelligent young soul. I'm sure you'll do well with it."

"Deal." I bowed to show my respect. I'll use this quirk to its full potential.

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