Just Midoriya Overthinking

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I've been thinking quite a bit about seeing Kacchan the other day. Overthinking is what I do. Did he recognize me? His face sure did say so. It was less of his normal angry expression and more of a "what is he doing here" shocked face. It was a refreshing change. Maybe it meant he missed me. That's highly unlikely though. If he did see me earlier that day, he would've approached me and probably have beaten me up. Regardless of whether I'm a villain or not. He doesn't care about my motives. He only cares about himself, and anything he thinks will get in his way he either verbally or physically destroys. It would be nice to hear his thoughts, or even just see that look on his face again. It was nice to see something other than anger coming from him. I'll get it soon enough, and I'll make sure of it. I want to intimidate him.

I deleted his contact from my phone, because I don't want him interrogating me just yet. Not like he texted me much anyway. He always just left me on seen. I'm not going to lie, being ignored by my best and only friend didn't feel very good. Was he ever my friend? Friends don't bully their friends, as far as I know. I don't know much about friends. Kurogiri, Shigaraki and Twice have been nice to me, sure, but my relationship with Kacchan was different. He was the closest thing to a friend I've had my whole life. Maybe not. He was just mean, and I don't think that's what friends do. Sometimes I sit on the roof of the building, my new home. I like to wonder what would have happened if I had taken his advice that day. If I had actually jumped off the roof. 

To die, I most likely would've had to land on my head. It's a pretty far fall, but it's all in how you land that determines your fate. You could fall five feet off the ground, crack your head open and die. But if you fall on your bottom you'll just break something. Either way it doesn't matter, the school is tall and jumping from that height would have proven fatal. If I died, what would he think? That selfish brat wouldn't care at all. It's what he wants. He might even celebrate. He could get in huge trouble, but that's only if someone finds out what he told me. The whole class made fun of me, so it would take a long time to find out who convinced me. And they can't assume it was someone in the class either. I could have issues at home, for all they know.

Society is messed up. Why is it socially acceptable to bully someone because of their interests? And to think I believed I could become a hero. Even I'm oppressing my past self about it. But even though I was actually an idiot, that doesn't mean people should go around telling me to kill myself. I'm not that naive anymore. I'm smarter than all of these morons. They'll never get on my level.

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