Could it be True?

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(Aizawa POV)

"This case blows," a reporter so kindly remarked. "Is there anything more interesting?"

"It's important that this gets out. I know UA has been all over the media lately, but I just need this one favor from you. It should greatly help us develop our knowledge on the case." Tsukauchi is a good guy, willing to help with almost anything we have to offer. He's also very persuasive. 

"Ugh. Fine. We'll air it once all this stuff with the fight yesterday is resolved. At least it's different from what everyone else will be airing." 


We haven't had class for a couple days after the attack. We've been extremely busy with trying to find Bakugo and attending interviews and whatnot. Reporters have been trying to coax us into giving up and saying our school is a failure for letting a student get kidnapped or even possibly converted to a villain. It's been a difficult few days, especially for Bakugo's close friends. I hate to see my class like this but we have to get back on track as soon as possible. It's necessary.

Everybody returned to school the next day. Many of them looked clinically depressed. Kirishima was slumping in his seat.

"I am aware of the dismal events recently, but I don't want you all to worry. Your teachers will not be too hard on you today. We saw it necessary to get you out of the house and get your minds off things, get some fresh air. Use this as a day to recover." I sighed. Kirishima politely raised his hand.

"Mr. Aizawa, can I talk to you for a minute? In private?" Ashido looked at him slightly offended.

"Of course. Meet me in the hallway." He slowly got out of his seat and left the room. I turned back to the class. "You will all behave. I will be right outside of the room," I said and proceeded to go outside.

"Um- so- you might already know about the whole attempted rescue mission thing," he said, his eyes downcast.

"I know, you will receive suitable punishment for that later." It seems like I'm always having to discipline these kids.

"But on a more important note, I saw- I saw something that I probably shouldn't have seen." Suspicious. "There- so- remember the green-haired kid we talked about a couple months ago? He was- he was there- and- and he was- he- he was-"

"Calm down. Slow your breathing." He caught his breath for a minute and continued.

"He was holding- holding some sort of bag- like- a trash- trash bag, maybe? And- and one of the other villains burned whatever was in it- and then he walked away with the ashes-" My heart stopped for a second.

"Hey, it's important not to jump to conclusions. There are infinite possibilities of what could have been in the bag."

"Well- I know- but it's been days and we still haven't found Bakugo. Plus, the other heroes didn't find him when they went- and- and I couldn't do anything to help-"

"Okay. It's okay. We'll investigate it. Try not to think about it too much. Stay positive. We'll get him back." Most likely. I can't promise it though.


"You still haven't found him? Well it's his own fault, and let him know that when you do find him. If he weren't so weak he wouldn't have gotten kidnapped in the first place." Talking to Mrs. Bakugo is a pain sometimes. 

"Ma'am, what if I told you it's possible that he's dead?" I'll admit I'm not the best at letting people down slowly, but I regret saying that so harshly. She stood silent for a moment.

"If you're lying about it to try and make me feel bad it's not gonna work." She's too deep in denial.

"I'm not lying, I'm only stating a possibility. We're not completely sure."

"Well is it possible he's alive?"


"Good, cause if he's not I'm not sure what I'd do. Sure he's an idiot, but he's special to me. I'm sorry he's caused so much trouble for you." Sigh.

"No, he hasn't caused any trouble."

"Alright- oh, I'll talk to you later, I've got visitors. Bye." She hung up the phone, without fully answering my question. This makes me wonder if Bakugo could have actually prevented the kidnapping.

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