Come Out and Play

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"Go, save yourselves." Native was sitting and observing the fight while simultaneously coughing up blood. That's nasty.

Stain lunged for them recklessly which resulted in another one of those annoying ice walls. While they were occupied, I decided to go for them as well. If they dodged this one then this new generation is going to be a handful. 

I threw one of my knives at them and ended up inflicting a small cut on Todoroki. This was an indication for Stain to pick up the knife and paralyze him, which he did. Ingenium was still paralyzed at the moment.

As Stain approached them slowly, I remembered Native was still off to the side. I decided I should end his suffering.

"Well I suppose I should be killing you.." I towered over him with a purposeful menacing aura, and he seemed to take the bait, cowering in fear. "..but let's play a game first, shall we?"

If I was going to get blood all over my clothes, might as well make it fun.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" I held up four and smiled, quite psychotically but that's not the point.

"Why are you-" He coughed again. Without covering his mouth.. tsk tsk. "Why are you toying with me? Just kill me already."

"Well excuse me for wanting to let you enjoy your last moments. I just wanted to play a game. How many fingers?"

"You're not doing this for me. What's your deal?"

"Ugh, you're wasting my time. How many fingers?" He sighed.

"Four. Now answer my question." His vision should be blurred from the blood loss, but whatever.

"I just did, I said I wanted to play a game with you before I killed you."

"For no good reason?"

"That is correct." I jabbed my knife into his side violently and he let out a pathetic shriek. Putting up seven fingers, I asked the same question. "How many fingers?"

"S- seven.."

"Good." Even if I did play with him, I still had to end this quickly, before that Ingenium kid was mobile again.

I then took a swift kick to the ribs. Well shucks, I hadn't been paying attention. That's going to leave a bruise. At least they're not broken.

Ingenium grabbed Native and Todoroki and made a beeline for the exit. I took out my notebook and jotted down his quirk, in case he doesn't die, which would be unfortunate. Stain was too slow to catch up to them, while I was already headed in the opposite direction. I hid in the darkness yet again. Cowardly, I know, but I've had my fun for today. 

I watched as those kids and a few pros tied Stain up with a rope and hauled him along unconscious. How heroic. I learned a lot today, but now I'm tired. Making my way up to the top of the water tower, I noticed there was only one Nomu left unscathed. I met Shiggy and Kurogiri at the top.

"Oh hey kid. You didn't die." Shiggy glanced over at me then turned back to face the city.

"Not yet. What have you been doing this whole time?" I sat on the edge of the tower, looking over the burning, chaotic conurbation.

"Where's Stain?" He never stays on track, in case you didn't notice.

"He got caught." He seemed a little shocked at that statement, but I couldn't think of why. Maybe a bit angry as well.

"Did you kill anyone?"

"Nope, but we probably scarred those kids for life."

"Look at my Nomus. The perfect hook for my fish to get caught on. They'll be talking about this for months, maybe even years to come!" Knowing our society that's not going to happen, but I'm not going to burst his bubble just yet.

"Oh yeah? What about Stain?"

"His popularity was short-lived and will stay that way. My Nomus will take all that attention from him and place it on me." I could practically smell the excitement wafting off of him.

"Tomura, Deku, it is time to head back. We don't want to be caught." I spotted a helicopter and waved. We probably already have been but at least we weren't apprehended. We went through the warp back to our place.

"By the way, where did you even get all those Nomus? I thought there was just the one." Shigaraki glanced at the television.

"I'll show you in a bit."

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