Off with his Head

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Stain quickly pinned Ingenium to the ground with his blade, leaving a huge gash in his arm. He was immobilized without a second thought.

"Ingenium's brother, huh?" Stain said as he steadily held the boy down with his foot. "You're weak."

"I'll kill you!" That's all he could think to say? This kid is probably the same age as me, and even I know that's not what you do in this sort of situation. 

"Save that guy first." Stain pointed to Native. "You are far from a real hero. Goodbye." He held his blade above the kid, preparing to strike. For a split second, light reflected off of his blade, as everything went by so quickly. Just before his death, the boy looked at me and gasped, muttering something. He then shook his head. What's with all these kids staring at me?

"Stain. Cease your killing spree for a moment." Stain groaned and held his blade motionless in the air. Ingenium directed his attention toward me as I stepped out of the shadows. "You," I pointed to the boy using the knife I was holding, "you made a face. Do you recognize me?"

"Uh- I- were you at the USJ?" The fear in this kid's eyes was hard not to distinguish. "When the villains attacked?"

"Very good. What have you heard about me?"

"All- why should I tell you?"

"Because if you don't, that blade you see before you will go plunging through your heart and you will suffer a painful death. The name Ingenium will die with you." He was going to die either way, but I wasn't going to tell him that. I can't have any rumors about me getting out.

"Fine. All we know is that you're with the League of Villains."

"We? Who's we?" He sighed, knowing he made a huge mistake.

"My class and some of our teachers.." Why would they be targeting me-

"Ah. I have another question for you. Remember, if I don't get the answer I want, you'll die."

"What is it?" He winced at the pain in his shoulder.

"Do you know anybody who goes by Izuku Midoriya?"


"Good job. Stain?"

"Yes?" He raised his blade hopefully and looked at me.

"Kill him."

Stain grinned and turned back to the boy. "With pleasure." He brought down his cutlass eagerly, but a wall of ice prevented him from hitting the boy. Just our luck. "What-" 

"Stop right there, Hero Killer." It was the red and white boy. They must be in a class together.

"Ugh." Stain glared at me. "If you hadn't stopped to interview him I could have killed him already."

"Oh please, it was valuable information. Cool your jets and let me handle this one." I approached the half and half boy, to which he responded by bracing himself. "Why so tense? Ease up a little."

"Let him go."

"Oh, what a good idea. Why didn't I think of that? I'll just let our pig out of the slaughter house. How genius of you."

"I don't have time for your jokes."

"Then leave." He scoffed at me and launched a fire attack, which I easily dodged and put him in a choke hold. "Such a shame. I'll admit you're quite an attractive young man. You must be popular. But it's time for you and your friend to die."

Stain was relentlessly attacking the ice. He was obviously getting frustrated, not being able to reach his prey. "Stupid," I said and walked over to him with Todoroki struggling in my grip. He lit another fire, which I used to melt the ice. "Both of you. Use your heads."

Todoroki eventually got free, grabbing Ingenium and fleeing. Stain was able to block off their path, leaving them sandwiched between he and I.

"End of the road." Stain prepared his blades to strike both of them at the same time. If they reacted at all, Stain was too far from them to afflict any damage fast enough before they either defeated us or got away. Not too bright.

Todoroki glanced around. looking for a way out when Native caught his eye. Native shook his head.

"Go, save yourselves."

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