You Pretentious Villain.

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There we stood, just the six of us. Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, Twice, Compress, and most importantly, me, stood in our loose white clothing, hands behind our backs, staring at All Might from inside a small room. All For One was nowhere to be found, and neither was Kurogiri.

"Instead of jailing you along with All For One, we've decided that maybe it was best for you to go through a rehabilitation process." Small Might said, holding a clipboard in his arms. "We know you've all had your struggles and we want to help so please give us that chance." Shigaraki wasn't having any of it. He struggled against his cuffs, attempting to decay them.

"You don't want to help us. You just want to look like a hero." Shigaraki raised his voice. "I don't want help. I just want to kill you." Small Might shook his head.

"Where is Kurogiri and what are you going to do with him? Please don't hurt him, he hasn't done anything wrong.." Toga began to jerk at her restraints.

"Kurogiri is being interrogated in a separate room. There's no need to panic, we're not going to harm him," some guy in a trench coat said as he walked through the doorway. "Just let us ask you each a few questions. Deku?" I didn't respond. This isn't how things should have ended up. This wasn't my plan.

"Tsukauchi. We know he has a connection with Katsuki, so that's our main priority right now," All Might whispered to the man in the trench coat.

"I know. Tell us why you killed the boy named Bakugo Katsuki." What Tsukauchi said caught my attention. Why not tell him? It won't benefit them anyway.

"He was a huge jerk and a bully. That's pretty much it. I'm going to kill everyone like him."

"And how do you expect to do that?"

"With the power of friendship."

"Really?-" All Might gave me a condescending look so I gave him one in return.

"No, you idiot. With my own power. The power you doubted I had. I'm not a weak little quirkless boy anymore. Now you answer a question for me." My eyes met his. "What are you planning on doing with us?"

"After the interrogation, we're going to execute you. That is all." In that moment, I almost literally saw red. Twice started to panic and Toga attempted to comfort him. Mr. Compress and Shigaraki were almost as angry as I was.

"THIS IS AN OUTRAGE. YOU LIED TO US TO GET US TO COOPERATE? YOU'RE NO LESS OF A VILLAIN YOURSELF." Compress was already irritated that they had taken his mask away for this. He snapped. Twice was getting more and more upset by the second.

"PLEASE- I DON'T WANT TO DIE, PLEASE!" Tears formed in the poor man's eyes. Toga went on to shout, trying to defend Twice. Everybody was yelling, trying to calm everybody else down. This is the second time today everyone has gone ballistic, but I can't blame them this time. It wouldn't have happened if I didn't use my quirk, but we deserved to know our fates.

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