A Long, Boring Talk with your Teacher

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(Kacchan POV)

"Bakugo, see me after class. I have something very important to discuss with you."

The bell rung, and while all the idiots got up and got ready to leave, I stayed in my seat. Mr. Aizawa sat facing me and some shrunken-looking dude came in. I groaned and put my head on my desk.

"This is Mr. Yagi, I expect you to treat him with respect as he will be talking with us today."

"What am I here for?" I sighed.

"I noticed you were acting strangely during our conversation this morning." Mr. Aizawa gave me a stone cold stare, like he was trying to freeze me with his eyes alone. I shivered.

"We're here to talk to you about the kid you saw at the USJ, to put it directly," Mr. Yagi said. He kind of looked like an alternate universe All Might. "considering he looked very similar to a kid we know of, and apparently you know him as well. This doesn't mean he was, we're just looking for evidence."

I don't know what to tell them at this point. If I say I know who he is they're going to keep asking questions and that's just going to be annoying.

"What do you know about him?" Mr Aizawa's tone got more serious.

"What makes you think I know anything?"

"Body language. We're talking about the kid you knew, not the potential villain." Bullcrap. He's a mind reader.

"Fine. I used to go to school with him. I think. I don't know if they're the same person 'cause I didn't really see him that well." I didn't think. I knew. But I wasn't going to tell them that.

"Do you know if he lives in the Musutafu area?" Who even is this Mr. Yagi guy and how does he know so much?

"Uh.. yeah, I think so? How do you kn-"

"I saw a similar kid last in an alleyway in that region. He was being attacked by the same villain you were. Authorities claim the villain somehow infested his lungs with deadly poison and he died on the walk home, but they never found his body. Do you know anything about this, or any side effects of being attacked, perhaps?" I shook my head. I remember Aunt Inko was at our house the other day, she was practically sobbing her eyes out with my old hag. I didn't hear much though.

"It didn't feel like any poison was involved. Just a lot of blabbering and trying to possess me like some sort of nasty sewage demon. I'm fine now."

"Do you know his name?" Mr. Aizawa asked.


"...so what is it? Because it's most likely not Deku," he asked with a sigh.

I hesitated. What would they do if they caught him? Should I come up with a fake name? I wanna be the one to get him back. He'll come to me for sure if I look for him. It'll make me look good. My old hag will be proud for once, and I'll get to be a flashy hero. Plus I'll save the kid who I always "bullied". Perfect character development for an awesome protagonist like me. 

"Izuku Midoriya. That's his name."

"Interesting." Mr Aizawa had a confused look on his face.

Mr. Yagi whispered something to Mr. Aizawa. I'm literally sitting right here.

"You're dismissed." Those words were a blessing to my ears. I left without another word.

Like I said, I DON'T care about Deku. Don't get any ideas. 

..what do you mean that was incredibly defensive? I DON'T-

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