Kacchan had Puberty

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He gets cranky when he doesn't go to bed at eight thirty-two P.M., which is probably why he's so mad right now, but then again he's always like this. I would be mad if I were in his position too, chained up (yet again) in a chair before us, surrounded by the League of Villains.

"What do you want from me?" His voice was much rougher than it was back in junior high. He gave me a little death glare before turning back to Shigaraki. I'm surprised he wasn't trying to obliterate everyone in the room, although it is the logical choice.

"It's pretty simple, kid. I want you to join our League." Shiggy is a funny guy. 

"I'll never join your league of back-alley thugs. Go throw yourself into traffic." Just as I expected.

This unsuccessful game of "try and persuade our victim to join us" went on for a while before Shigaraki gave up. 

"I'll take it from here," I said. "I have a few things I'd like to talk to him about." I locked eyes with Shigaraki, using my newly found quirk. "You may go." He left the room, motioning for the others to follow. Kacchan was left slightly dumbfounded by this action, which I'll take as a compliment.

"Deku- I just want to talk."

"So do I. What a coincidence. Let's talk, then." I pulled up a chair and sat in front of him casually, like I wasn't about to kill him.

"I- I feel-" He cringed at the words that came out of his mouth just then and coughed. "I feel bad for what I said."

"You've said many, many things. Please elaborate."

"Everything. Calling you worthless, telling you to commit suicide-" He paused, as if not sure how to continue. "I take it all back."

"Well of course you say that, now that you're in a position of danger, now that your life is in my hands." I fiddled with the stone Kurogiri gave me, averting eye contact.

"Touche." Ashamed, he looked at the floor. "Please forgive me. I was wrong." I stalled, pretending to think, even though I already knew what was going to happen to him. I know, I'm cold and emotionless. I don't need a reminder.

"Well.. I'll consider it. It's not easy to forgive and forget after years of what you did." Sugar-coating things was too easy. He'll never guess his fate.

"It doesn't matter. If you try to fight me, I'll beat you, so don't even think about it." There he is. Absolutely no need to worry. I'm not here to fight. Only to kill.

"What makes you think I want to fight you? I only wanted to talk." Kacchan stood silent for a moment while I spoke. "Plus, if you were kidnapped so easily, why do you think you could defeat me?"

"Well for one, you're still quirkless." My top advantage. He doesn't know. "Two, I... let myself get kidnapped."

"You're just saying that."

"It's true-" His voice cracked, his tone getting more and more upset. "I wanted to- to help you- and prove I'm not a jerk. It was the easiest way to get to you at the moment." I stood up slowly.

"You don't need to prove it. Be yourself, Kacchan. You've shown your true colors all your life, so why pretend to care now?"

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