Tsu is Bonkers

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"Why aren't you attacking us like the rest of them?" The girl continued to ask questions, and I continued to panic. I barely had time to think strategically between questions.

"I- I'm not very- uh- very skilled in combat just yet. I'm just here to observe." Maybe she'll leave me alone soon.

"ASUI, ARE YOU BONKERS? THIS GUY IS GONNA KILL YOU IF HE GETS THE CHANCE!" The purple kid quickly waddled up to us. He looked about as terrified as I felt. "I told you to call me Tsu. Also he's not gonna kill me, I can tell. He's not really a villain." Why was she so confident? At least she stopped asking questions. I've been here for a good five minutes answering them.

I reached for my gun but hesitated. Shooting her would just cause me a lot of emotional pain. She never did anything to deserve it. And besides, I don't know what their quirks are, or what they could do to stop me. I can't be careless, they are hero course students after all.

Both students turned their heads toward the current battle. A huge smile grew on the girl's face, and the little boy seemed astonished. I looked over, and All Might had appeared out of nowhere it seemed. He was taking down henchmen left and right. I watched with a neutral expression. It'll be near impossible to defeat him today, unless his weakness kicks in, that is. I just then noticed a huge monster-like creature plodding toward All Might. I could faintly hear Shigaraki say something about a Nomu. So that's what a Nomu is. Pretty freaky, and it looks crazy strong, but we'll see about that. I started sketching the creature in my notebook.

This Nomu creature and All Might started to brawl while Shigaraki was standing there talking, bragging about the Nomu. How idiotic can he get? He's giving away information about Nomu's quirks! Of course, it's a nice addition to my notes, but you should never let your opponent know every detail of your true power, or they'll find a way to take advantage, if they're smart enough.

The green haired girl was looking at my notes over my shoulder. I think she wants to be called Tsu, so I'm going to call her that. "What's your name?" Is she trying to make friends with me? What an odd way to go about meeting a villain. My reply delayed. I don't think I should give anybody my real name, because according to Kurogiri the police think I'm dead.

"Deku. I'm Deku."

"But doesn't that mean useless?"


"Okay Deku. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too.. Tsu?"

"Good job." We continued to watch the fight. I could just barely see blood dripping from All Might's mouth, which meant he was at his limit. If this fight drags on for just a little longer-

BAM! All Might sent the Nomu literally flying through the roof. "No.. no.. this isn't how I wanted it to go! Kurogiri, let's get out of here." I could hear Shigaraki complaining so I got up and started to run toward them, when I heard Tsu call my name. 

"Deku! Hopefully I'll see you later?" ...will I see her later? She's a nice girl, and I know what school she goes to, so possibly..

"Uh- yeah! See you later Tsu!" I waved and ran through the portal Kurogiri created. Maybe heroes aren't all that cocky.

Just before I stepped through, I caught a glimpse of that kid who looked like Kacchan. He was staring at me wide-eyed. It was him! Too late to say hi now.. I guess it doesn't matter, if I talked to him he'd probably try to kill me anyway. There's no point.

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