More Recruits?

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I woke up the next morning to hear blabbering from the other room, so naturally, like the kind-hearted person I am, I went to go tell everyone to shut up.

Unfortunately I never got to go back to sleep.

There was a short little high-school girl with messy blonde hair whose appearance just screamed "insanity," and a tall man, maybe in his twenties, with a patchwork face. I poked my head through the doorway and listened in on their conversation. New recruits. And they both follow Stain. Great, more idiots.

"I really think I would make your league sooo much better, and I really like to kill people. We'd make a great team, crusty man!" She squealed, and her high-pitched voice rang in my ears. Her eyes averted Shigaraki for a quick second and caught me interloping. I stepped out of my so-called hiding spot, leaning against the door frame and the girl bounced in place.

"Who is that? He's cute," she pointed at me and shot me a deranged smile. I tilted my head and gave her one of my own demented looks. The girl covered half her face, not seeming shy but not normal either. If she ends up obsessed with me, I can use her.

"He's not important." Shiggy tried to shoo me off but I promptly ignored his gesticulation and just stood there silently. "Now a-" The girl skipped over to me in the middle of Shiggy's sentence.

"I'm Himiko Toga. My hobbies include stabbing people and anything having to do with pomegranates. What's your name?" Toga stood at an uncomfortably close proximity. 

"Call me Deku." Shiggy gave me a slightly annoyed look to which I responded with a smirk. Toga placed her hands on my shoulders.

"I think we're gonna be great friends, Deku!" Time to put on a show.

"Ouch, friend-zoned again. Wouldn't be the first time," I said with a bantering tone. I put my hands in my pockets and made sure to make eye contact. Not the best experience, but you gotta do what you gotta do. She giggled.

"You're funny." Toga leaned up against me (quite a shooting stimulation for someone like me, mind you) and turned back to Shiggy. The patchwork man just gawked at us with an antagonizing look. 

"Don't get too attached, you little brat. She might not even stay." Shiggy stared me down so I did the same.


"Don't worry, he's kidding. I'll stick with you no matter what!" She wrapped her arms around me, squeezing the life out of me only slightly. That's cool I guess.

"Ahem- who did you say you were?" Shiggy reverted his attention back to the patchwork guy.

"I'm going by Dabi for now."

"I didn't ask what you're going by, I asked for your name."

"No can do, forbidden frosted flakes. Plus, he has an alias." Dabi paused and gestured toward me. "Don't discriminate." It was hard to tell if he was joking or not.

"Fine, fine. Give me a minute. I'll think about it." Shigaraki waved his hand as if trying to push them out of his sight.

"Aw, come on. This should be an easy yes." I looked down at Toga to see her wiggling and bouncing with delight at my statement. 

"Ugh. Fine." Sometimes it's scary how what I want falls right into my hands.

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