15. both of them

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Jake's POV

Everyone left the tent going back to their own tents as my heart beats still didn't slow down. The affect Choi Aera had on me was absolutely crazy. How can someone take control over me so easily? I slowly walked outside breathing very slowly as I rethought about what happened. That dare. It made my day when it wasn't supposed to. Well no it didn't. Let me rephrase it. Aera made my day through that dare. I smiled on my own as I met Heeseung hyung looking at me with a smile.

"Hey hyung." I greeted him as he walked by me and patted my shoulder with a chuckle. "Good luck Jake." He laughed it out and carried on walking confusing me as I just stood there silently, barely understanding what he meant. But it was weird since at the same time I did understand why he said good luck. How did he know though that-

I shrugged it away and walked to Sunghoon's and my tent room. I was ready to meet an either really quiet Sunghoon or a really angry one. Well obviously he'd be mad. The lights inside the room were off as I got in. "Hoon?" I said out not getting any response. Turning on my flashlight I saw the back of the sleeping guy as I sighed.

Aera's POV

My roommate was already asleep but I was wide awake. Thinking about today. It was pretty good indeed. Now that I look back at it, was it right for me to kiss Jake? What if he got uncomfortable? What if he doesn't talk to me again? At the same time what was wrong with Sunghoon? What happened to him suddenly? He looked slightly angry the last time I saw him. After that, I never met with the guy tonight.

Hopefully it's all fine. With that I turned around, covering myself with the blanket and soon fell asleep.


Sunghoon's POV

I woke up as the hot rays of the sun hit my face. Slightly opening my eyes I saw Jake putting on his outfit as I came to life. "You woke up." He said as I remembered last night's incident. I closed my eyes once again not replying to him for a while before getting up. "Morning." I slightly said grabbing my toothbrush and going outside to get water. Everyone was already awake, ready for the day while I weakly walked through the place. "Sunghoon!" Hearing Aera's familiar voice, I breathed heavily not turning around to look at her.

"Are you okay? What's happened last night?" She said out staring at my back as I hesitated to answer her for a while. "I'm fine." I said out almost emotionlessness walking away from her but Choi Aera kept following me. "Are you really fine?" She asked me yet once again. Without replying, I continued walking leaving the confused girl standing all alone.


Aera's POV

I had my lunch staring at my plate without talking much. Jake and Sunghoon soon came around sitting beside us as I looked at the two guys. Jake gave me a smile as I returned and then looked at Sunghoon who just silently ate without talking at all. "Sunghoon you stopped talking overnight?" Jay asked as Sunghoon looked at him. "No," he said out continuing to have his food. What is wrong with him?

We all finished our lunch as our teachers decided to take us out for a small walk. "Do you wanna walk together-" but before I could finish Sunghoon avoided me walking to the front along with Jay as I sighed. Taking small steps, I noticed how far I was from the front people. Tearing the leaves of a small brunch, I sulked not liking the vibe anymore. "Hey cute girl." Jake came to walk beside me as I stared at him. "What's wrong?" He asked seeing my quiet face as I shrugged it away.

"Don't really know. Seems like Sunghoon is mad at me maybe?" Looking at him, I noticed his expression as he stopped and looked down. "Oh." I nodded and waited for him to catch up as he did so. "Do you not like that he isn't talking to you?" He asked me as I frowned. "Yes? Of course I don't like it." Isn't it obvious? Why wouldn't I? Jake just nodded as his face dropped slightly. "Maybe ask him tonight since we're leaving tomorrow morning." He suggested calmly as I nodded. Probably I'll do that.


Jake's POV

I noticed how Choi Aera quickly finished her dinner to match up with Sunghoon's speed. The girl didn't even wait for a minute and immediately set of behind Sunghoon after he left. I sighed leaning against the chair as the others enjoyed singing together. "What's going on between them?" Sunoo said out glancing at Aera who followed Sunghoon out. Jay shrugged it away not knowing. "Lover's quarrel maybe. I don't know." He said out listening to the soft song. My eyes slightly met with Heeseung as he stared back at me before I quickly looked away feeling uneasy.

I'm scared.

Aera's POV

I was determined to get the boy to talk to me. "Park Sunghoon wait up!" I screamed trying to catch up to him. "What?" He said stopping as I panted. "What happened? Why are you ignoring me?" I asked as he sighed. "Nothing happened Aera. Stop following me." And he kept walking, at an even faster rate this time but I didn't give up. Running behind him, I held his hand stopping him as he faced. "What's wrong? Please tell me." But he pushed my arms away. "Leave me alone." He coldly said but I wasn't letting him go. "First tell me what's wrong?"

"Everything is wrong, Aera. Everything." He said out surprising me with his tone. It felt different. "What do you mean?" I stared at him in confusion as he sighed and looked directly at my eyes after contemplating. "It's you." Gosh he was just making me more confused than I already was. "Huh?" Frowning, I noticed his frustrated self. "You affect me so much." I seriously wasn't getting what he was trying to say. How would I? I didn't even know what I did wrong here. "Sunghoon I don't understand-"

"I like you Choi Aera. I like you a lot. And when you kissed Jake last night, it triggered me bad." Well that was unexpected. Sunghoon ran his hands over his hair in frustration as I stood there frozen after hearing him. "Hoon.." What was happening? Someone help. "I hate how I'm not the only one who likes you." And that sentenced just made me get into a tough position. He likes me? Why even? Someone else also likes me? Wtf? Sunghoon breathed heavily feeling angrily as I stared at him blankly.

"I hate to know that Jake likes you too. God damn it." With that he speed walked out of the place while I stood there trying to understand everything.

Jake and Sunghoon both likes me?

(a/n wtf girl you're supposed to jump around knowing that)

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Yeah I'm still alive 😭

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