28. insecurities

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Aera's POV

I yawned seeing how late it was at night. I just got done studying for my psychology exam tomorrow and was all set to have a good sleep. Feeling a bit annoyed I decided to take a shower at this late hour because I didn't really care and went to the washroom. Getting out with wet hair, I felt my phone buzz making me check it as I noticed I received a text from Jake.

Jake :
It's been so long since we properly talked :(
I miss you Aera.

A smile appeared on my face reading his texts as I continued to text him back. And the night passed by as we both finally talked for a bit.


"Thank you everyone for working so hard for the exams this week. And get ready the school dance." The teacher said as the bell rang meaning the exams week was finally finished. All the students were hyped as apparently the school dance was always really lavish and everyone loved it. "And it gives us a chance to fix our love life." i remembered what the girl beside described this dance as making me wheeze at her dreamy eyes.

Gathering my books, I was more than excited to finally meet with the others properly after almost two ling weeks. We were all distributed to different classrooms this week and my luck wasn't that good and I ended being the only one in this classroom with none of my friends. Walking out of the classroom I was stopped abruptly by someone pulling me into a tight hug. I was too shocked to even react until I felt the guy whispered.

"Hey cute girl." It was Jake. Hugging him back I waited for him to let go as he did after a long time. "You weren't the clingy type, were you?" He just smiled softly. "Nah I'm not. I just missed you." The guy ruffled my hair making me chuckle but it was soon over as I felt someone hold my wrist. Looking up I noticed Sunghoon with a not so happy look. He looked at Jake blankly before giving me a small smile. "Let's go." The guy was about to take me somewhere else but Jake held my hand from the other side.

"Leave her Jake. I held her hand first." He coldly told the guy as he tilted his head. "Let her decide if she wants to come or not." Sunghoon glared at his friend before looking at me. I was speechless between the two guys and I didn't know what to say at all. "Ayo no clash between best friends and stop annoying my best friend." Jay came to the rescue and slapped the two guys' hands making them frown. The guy wrapped his hands around me winking as I sighed in relief.

"We are all going to the arcade, come on." He announced cheering me up again. Finally a day where we didn't have to go to the library after school but the arcade. I have been to the arcade for only a few times in my life so I had no clue of what it was supposed to be like.


Sunghoon's POV

I looked at Aera's back as she struggled to play the video game. "Gosh what even." She cursed under her breathe struggling badly causing me to chuckle. Moving towards her, I swiftly held her hand that was controlling the game and helped her be more known to it. The girl simply froze as her back touched my chest making my heart flutter. "Like this." I whispered to her and slowly turned my head towards to only notice she was already looking at me.

Her eyes. They were sparkling even though I could see the pink blushes all over her cheeks. My eyes went down to her lips as I stared at it for a moment before getting closer to her. I couldn't stop myself. The girl tightly closed her eyes and so did I. But the moment was ruined by someone calling me. I immediately backed off taking the call as the other's also came with the tickets.

Jake's POV

Coming back to the place we're Aera was playing alone with the tickets, I noticed a flustered Sunghoon as well as a red Aera. They both got away from each other as Sunghoon took the call. My mood turned off not wanting to even think of what they were doing. It was indeed difficult to have Aera as the girl I like and Sunghoon as my best friend. And the conflicts between us were beginning.

"Why are you so red Choi?" Jay said out casually as she just shook her head. "N-nothing." She lied. I could just tell she was lying. "I need to go. The coach needs me at the rink right now." Sunghoon announced as I blankly stared at the empty area away from them. "Aight buddy. See you later." The other two greeted him goodbye as I decided to shrug my thoughts away.

Aera's POV

I felt my phone ringing as I quickly took it. "Aera can you please grab Aheon from his daycare?" My mom said out as I looked at the yawning Jay and the tired Jake. "Yeah sure." I said out knowing we all were probably going to leave now. "Guys I'll leave now." I said out grabbing my bag as they nodded. But Jake stopped me before I could leave alone. "I'll go with you."


"Jake hyung!" Aheon ran over hugging Jake as the older guy let out a chuckle. "Hey young man." He ruffled his hair making my brother laugh as I softly smiled at their friendship. "Why are you with noona? Are you her boyfriend now?" He said out making my cheeks hot as well as eyes widen. The guy just let out a laugh shaking his head. "No I'm not haha." He whispered the last bit making me nervous as I bit my lips.

"A-Aheon stop talking. Let's go." He nodded running ahead as the guy knew the way home but it was safe for someone to bring him. Jake walked by my side as it was all quiet for a while until I decided to break it. "Uhm Jake?" I had something to ask him but I always found myself hesitating. The guy hummed allowing me to continue as I took a deep breathe. "Your previous girlfriend. How was she?" I calmly said out balling out fists in nervousness.

Jake didn't reply for a while, neither did he give any reaction but blankly continued to walk leaving me hanging and embarrassed until I decided to shrug it away. "She was my first love.." he said out as I looked at him. His face showed sadness as he sadly smiled. "Heejin was my first crush and first love. She was perfect." The way he talked about her, I knew it was selfish of me but I couldn't help but feel insecure. I didn't like the tone he was talking in about his early girlfriend.

"Oh." Slowly letting out, I stopped myself from asking anything more as he didnt bother to look at me for once. I felt selfish and horrible but I couldn't do anything but silently walk. "She was my first love Aera. I can't forget her so easily." His words. They hurt me unknowingly and I felt very small. In my mind I somehow found myself comparing me with Heejin. And I didn't like it.

We reached home as Aheon ran inside. "I'll go inside. Bye." I softly smiled even though it was fake and walked inside not looking at him again.

Jake's POV

I looked at her back walking inside the house as I smiled until she completely got inside. Somewhere inside me, I felt like she got very insecure after I talked about Heejin. But I didn't lie. But I didn't tell her the entire truth either. That she, Choi Aera, was the only girl who made me happy now. The girl I loved the most.

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Man I've been going thru so much stuffs nowadays I really hope it ends soon :(

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Man I've been going thru so much stuffs nowadays I really hope it ends soon :(

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