23. friendship rules

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Aera's POV

I washed up and sat on my bed looking at the white wall. Sighing I closed my eyes trying to get a proper breathe. Everything was so complicated, it made me want to run away. What am I going to do the next time I meet Jake and Sunghoon? Am i angry at them? Yes I am. A lot. They were selfish all this while but I didn't want to tolerate anymore. But maybe I shouldn't have scolded them like that. Maybe I shouldn't have started crying in front of them. But the two friends were fighting because of me. Damn should have smacked them both.

I gave up and plopped on my bed lying down and closed my eyes. How will I even cope up with all these? Wonder why they like me at the first place.

Jake's POV

"I'll leave now grandma." Informing the old lady, I walked out of the house and checked my time. Sunghoon usually left for school around this time. I was nervous because I'd have to say sorry to him. We had just one rule. Never fight. And we broke it. I hit him first. So I should be the first one to apologize as well. Walking towards the campus I didn't see the boy I wanted to. Rather I met the girl.

Aera walked towards the campus slowly while looking. She saw at the front as our eyes met. I wanted to approach and apologize as well but the girl speed walked inside the school immediately. So she's ignoring me. The thought made me a bit sad but I quickly ran behind her. "Aera wait." Holding her hand, the girl faced me with frowned eyebrows as I bit my lips nervously. "I'm sorry." I said out but she didn't respond, rather just stared at me blankly for a while.

Her blank expression almost felt like she was mad at me.

"Okay." She said out and immediately walked away as I looked down pouting. I need to make it up to her. It was all my fault indeed. Entering my classroom, I changed my mind and went to the ground to practice instead of play. Lmao shouldn't it be me who should be angry here? Aera, Sunghoon why are they the ones angry at me? I wanted to think this so much but deep inside I knew I lost my anger that night.

It was now lunch break so I quickly grabbed my things. I had to keep things get well with Aera right away so I was on my way to talk to her. I saw the girl ahead walking alone and with the thought that she'd again run away if she heard me, I immediately held her hand and pulled her inside an empty classroom.

Aera's POV

Getting pulled my someone, I struggled to keep my pace as I kept tripping over my own feet. "What the heck?" I angrily said as the person took me inside an empty classroom. Struggling to get out his grip, I noticed Jake who held my hands. "Leave me." I angrily said not wanting to talk to him. The guy just pulled me closer to him catching me off guard. "Just hear me out once." He pinned me against the wall as I froze seeing how close we were right now.

All I heard was his rapid breathing. "I'm sorry for that day." Jake said out but I was too occupied by his close up to even listen to what he was saying properly. He was good looking on a different level. "I know I shouldn't have hit Sunghoon. I'm sorry for making you cry. I'm really sorry." He said out as I came back to my senses and looked down. Would it be right to forgive him this soon? "You both are selfish Jake." I slowly said out as he looked a bit taken aback.

"I know I shouldn't have forgotten about your match and I'm really sorry for that. But you got angry and fought with your best friend." Strictly saying out, I felt his sad face appear. Ready to leave him all alone and go out of the place, I escaped from his grip and walked out until he stopped me. "I like you Aera. And it doesn't feel good to see the person you like get kissed by someone else." He slowly said out making me freeze on my position. My heart beat faster hearing his confession. And I didn't know what to do at the moment. So I just left him hanging there all alone. That was the only thing I could do there.


Sunghoon's POV

I skated the entire day not wanting to talk or meet with anyone. Neither Jake nor Aera. I didn't want to see anyone. I wasn't mad at anyone but I was mad at myself. And everything felt bad. I didn't want to lose Jake as my friend but I didn't want to let go off Aera either. I sat on the ice resting while breathing heavily.

The door to of the rink opened as I saw Jake entering wearing his backpack. He didn't look at me and neither did I. It was too awkward at the moment. He must have been really pissed at me but I knew him. He doesn't hold grudges. The guy kept his bag away and entered the rink walking towards me as I stared at him. He threw a piece of paper towards me as I caught it and stared at it for a while and then at him.

"Three sorrys for punching you thrice that night. Wait no two sorrys since you kissed Aera as well." He said out as I now looked back at the paper. It was a card. A sorry card.

"Sorry for breaking the rule and getting into a fight with my best friend."

I smiled reading out the small note inside the blue paper. He still remembered our rule. Making a card to the other person if they're angry at you. "Now forgive me dumbass." He said out uninterestedly as I chuckled. "Gosh your childish ass." Shaking my head I stared at the guy who glared at me before we both broke into laughter. But I was prepared as well. Taking out a yellow card from my bag I gestured Jake to take it as I looked away. "You remember this as well."

I nodded. "Ok so no fighting again." I said out standing up as he nodded. And we both left the campus after patching up. We noticed Aera and Jay outside the school as Jay saw us. "Heyy!" He shouted getting Aera's attention. The girl's face changed seeing us. "I'll go now." She told Jay and quickly left leaving him dumbfounded as Jake sighed beside me.

"She's ignoring us." Saying out, I stared at her back which was fading away. "Yes she is."

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Not this chapter being highly inspired by kissing booth if yk what I mean ;)

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Not this chapter being highly inspired by kissing booth if yk what I mean ;)

Also unedited again cos I'm lazy hihi bare with me 🙏🧘‍♀️

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