35. all in black ♡

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Jake's POV

I walked out of the classroom as school finally ended. "Jake wait!" Aera's voice echoed through the hallway as she ran over to me panting. "Yeah?" I asked the girl as she frowned. "Physics?" She reminded me again as I remembered me and nodded my head.

We both walked side by side without chatting at all. My house wasn't that far from school so we were almost here. "Here." I looked at my and stopped and Aera did the same looking at the exteriors of my house. Entering the place I let her get inside the empty house as she stared at the clean house in awe. My mom liked it all clean. "It's so organized." And obviously my parents chose a great colour scheme making the place look even better.

Walking to my room, the girl followed me as I gestured her to sit. "I'll change and come." I said out grabbing my clothes and walking to the washroom.


Aera's POV

"So what's the weight of the aluminium beam acting from the center of its mass?" He asked me as my brain blasted hearing the question. I stared at the question he was pointing at for a while. And my face had went paler than ever. Jake looked at me for a while before sighing in disappointment. "Ahh you're really bad at this." I knew I was bad at physics but pointing it out wasn't something I appreciated. I pouted sadly looking down. "I'll explain again. Stop pouting." He said out proceeding to explain it all again as my face lit up seeing his patience.


It had been almost two hours now since he was trying to teach me. And we were proceeding well. For me, we were. Jake kept sighing every now and then but the guy never gave up and continued explaining it to me. "Got it. The answer is 480." I said out showing him the workings as he smiled proudly. "Yes good girl." Jake ruffled my hair as he proceeded to choose the next question leaving me dumbfounded by his small acts. My heart beat faster seeing his small smile as he looked through the book.

"Do this." He chose another question but stopped continuing his sentence as he realised I was busy staring at him. The guy's smile disappeared and it'd be a lie to say I didn't have the urge to do something at the moment. Reaching closer to his face, I slowly attached my lips on his closing my eyes while the guy couldn't even find time to react to or against it.

I was too infatuated in him to even realise what I was doing until the book fell from the table bringing me back to reality. Opening my eyes widely, I saw his shocked eyes and pulled away immediately standing up. His face showed that he was uncomfortable and I hated it. Gosh what's wrong with me? Panicking I grabbed my bag and bit my lips as he looked at me still surprised. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I'll leave." Apologizing to the guy I quickly left his house stumbling on my steps and ran away.


Jake's POV

I stared at the girl who left my house panicking. She hit her head lightly with her hands while stumbling upon her huge steps. Staring at her leave from outside the window, I softly smiled remembering what had happened. Damn I'd have kissed her back if only she didn't pull away so quickly.

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