His Birthday

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As you tiptoed silently down the wooden flooring that lined the halls you heard Harry's snores coming from your bedroom. You smiled to yourself and tried your best not to make any additional noise that would cause him to stir.

Your hand gripped the cold doorknob and you twisted it slowly. You saw Harry lying on his stomach facing the opposite way that the windows were. The light poured through the thin curtains and probably shined in his eyes while he was sleeping.

You quickly grabbed one of Harry's t-shirts that he wore the night before and you headed into the bathroom to change. You removed your flour covered shirt and slipped on his. It smelled of Harry and you loved that about wearing his clothes. Your sweatpants were covered in the powdery white flour as well so you decided to slip them off as well.

Once you finished changing, you made your way over to the bed silently and slid under the covers. Harry stirred slightly but remained asleep. You pressed your forehead against his and said softly, "Happy birthday."

You closed your eyes and figured that you could sneak in a few extra hours of sleep before Harry's relatives came over for his party. In order to bake the cake on time, you had to get up super early, well early for you. The clock on the bed side table read 1 in the afternoon and you had to wake up at 11:30.

Harry stirred once more but this time his eyes fluttered open. He wrapped his large arm around your torso and pulled you towards his chest. You opened your eyes to find Harry awake.

"Happy birthday sleeping beauty." You said and you pressed a kiss to the tip of his nose. He smiled and slid his hands down your sides so he could rest them on your hips.

"Thank you," he said in a deep morning voice. "You smell exceptionally good this morning."

You smirked and nuzzled your face into his bare chest. "Well for one, it's the afternoon." He laughed and you continued to speak. "And I had things to do this morning."

"What kind of things?"

You chuckled slightly and replied, "Just things." He shook his head once he realized you were doing something related to his birthday.

He tightened his grip on your hips and lifted your head from his chest. He had a smirk plastered across his face and you rolled you eyes.

"Don't get any ideas," you began. "There's always later, if you're good that is." You said tauntingly and he rolled his eyes.

"You're such a tease." He replied and he slid one of his hands up under your shirt which was technically his. He traced circles along your bare skin with his thumb and you closed your eyes.

After a few moments he stopped and he just rested his hand on your bare skin. The two of you fell asleep in each others arms, that is until your alarm went off.


"Do we have to get up?" Harry groaned.

You leaned up from Harry's chest and before he could pull you back down in bed you were already out of the covers.

He opened up his eyes and rested his hands behind his head. You walked over to the closet wearing only his t-shirt and you could feel Harry's eyes burning a hole in the back of you. You turned around to see Harry lying still on the bed with a smirk across his face.

"Get up doofus." You said as you tossed one of his t-shirts at him. He chuckled and got up out of bed.

Harry slipped out of the covers unwillingly and stretched his arms over his head. You couldn't help but admire his toned body as he stretched and you were glad he didn't notice you staring.

You rummaged through the closet for something for you to wear but Harry's arms snaked around your waist. He leaned down and rested his chin in the crook of your neck.

"Harry we need to get ready," you protested and he shook his head. His lips connected with the sweet spot on your neck and you knew that he knew you couldn't resist him after he did that.

"You ass," you croaked out as he began to suck the sweet spot on your neck. His hands trailed down your body and he turned you around so you were facing him. His fingertips trailed down your leg and he then lifted it up so it wrapped around his waist.

He carried you over to the bed and dropped you down restlessly. He climbed up on top of you and his bare chest pressed up against yours. His lips connected with yours and something told you that you both weren't going to be getting ready any time soon.

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