Only a Little Clumsy

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You stand on your tip toes as you reach up to grab the bag of chips off the top shelf. You should've grabbed a cart for all your items. You just wanted a snack, and then you realized just how much you needed to stock up on groceries. You successfully grab the bag of chips and continue walking down the isle, you turn the corner when you bump into a person. You drop a few items, including a carton of eggs. "Goodness gracious." You say and look up at the person you bumped into. By golly, it was Harry Styles himself. "Oh my god I am so sorry." You look down at your shoes which are now covered in egg yolk. "It's no biggie." You put down all your items that were covered in egg. "I should have got a cart or something." Harry had his hands in his pockets. "I will go find someone who can help us out." You nod. "Sounds good." Harry shortly comes back with an employee who looks at you with disappointment. "I'm terribly sorry. I'll cover the cost." You pull out a cumpled twenty dollar bill from your pocket and hand it to the worker. You pick up the rest of your items and head to the register. You and Harry talk while you waited behind him in line. "So you're a little clumsy, huh?" You shrug and Harry chuckles. "Only a little." You are cashed out and you grab your two bags of food. When you walked outside, you saw Harry leaning against a post, scrolling through his phone. You start heading towards your car.

"Hey, wait up." You turn around and see Harry jogging towards you. "I'm Harry." He stretched out his hand for you to shake. You shake it. "I know you Harry, I'm Y/N." Harry smiles. "Want to exchange numbers, Y/N?" You smirk. "Sure." You pull out your phone and hand it over to him as he hands you his. You plug in your number and give it back to him. "I'll see you around, Y/N." Harry says mysteriously as he walks away. "See ya." You call out. You get in your car and drive home. You get a text from Harry later that night asking you out on a date. He was very straightforward with you, which makes sense because of his fame. You accept Harry's offer and tell him you're free on Friday. Harry says Great and tells you he will pick you up at seven pm.

Friday rolled around, and you were excited. You've never dated a famous person before so you couldn't wait to see what was going to unfold. You dressed casual, you didn't know where you were going, and texted Harry your address. Harry showed up at you house twenty minutes later, and you got into the back of his car because he had someone driving you. Harry was also dressed casual, well, as casual as a flamboyant as Harry Styles can dress. You smelt his cologne, and noticed how his curls framed his face. You both made small talk about your days went and then you shortly arrived to your destination, an amusement park. "Do you want to go here? If not we can go somewhere else?" You smile and look at all the people entering the park. "Yeah this sounds fun." Harry smiles at you, making you feel butterflies in your stomach.

The two of you go on a lot of crazy rides together, and get to know each other while waiting in line. A few people recognized Harry, but were polite enough to give you some space. You were now competing against each other in your third round of ring toss. You won one game each, so this round would be the tie breaker. And you won. You laughed, teased Harry a little, and collected your prize from the booth attendant. You choose a baby stuffed monkey and gave it to Harry. "This is Charlie, I got him for you." Harry smiled and took the monkey. He rubbed the soft fur. "It's adorable, thank you, Y/N." You then went to a food booth to get ice cream. You went on the ferris wheel and ate. The sun was starting to set, and the sun rays made Harry's hair glimmer. "This is really good." You lick a drip of ice cream off your cone. "Yeah it is." Harry comments. As you reach the top of the ferris wheel, you look out to the horizon. "It's beautiful." You say in awe. Harry starts to say something but you accidentally interrupt him by saying "Aww man." When you drop your ice cream cone over the edge. Harry laughs and you pout. "It's okay, we can share." He extends his cone out to you, and you take a lick. "Thanks." Your pout fades away when you both start joking around.

You go on one last ride, and it happens to be one that has a lot of spinning. You both laughed your asses off during the ride, and when you got off you were so dizzy you almost fell over. Harry caught your waist and picked you up. Your hands latch onto his bicepts to help pull yourself up. "I gotcha." He said while you both kept laughing. When the laughter died down you both paused and looked each other in the eyes. You realized how your bodies were pressed against each other and how close your faces were. You smiled and Harry leaned in and gave you an amazing kiss. You pull away and say "Goodness gracious"

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