Twitter fluff

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"@Y/T/N: @Harry_Styles should get off of his ass and start doing the dishes like he promised me."

You moved yourself in a comfy position on the couch as you sent the tweet to Harry who was sitting across the room from you. The corners of his mouth pinned up into a smile when he read your tweet which popped up his phone screen.

You continued to grin as he began to type a reply which no doubt would be witty or confusing. Perhaps both, Harry was well known for both of those things.

"@Harry_Styles: @Y/T/N I reckon that you should get up and do it yourself. I'm too comfy to get up off the couch. My bum made it nice and warm."

You peered up at Harry and rolled your eyes as you began to type again.

"@Y/T/N: @Harry_Styles That seat is only warm because I was sitting there a few minutes ago. You know, before you stole it when I got up to go to the bathroom."

Harry chuckled and moved around on the couch making sure to tease you about how he stole your seat.

"@Harry_Styles: @Y/T/N You did a nice job warming it up thanks love. Perhaps you should go do the dishes now as a reward for making this seat so warm. x"

Your discussion with Harry had sparked the interest of the fans and soon both your mentions and Harry's were filled with questions. While you were typing your reply Harry responded to one of the fans indirect tweets about the two of you.

"@F/T/N: Harry and Y/N are definitely sitting in the same room tweeting to each other like the dorks that they are."

"@Harry_Styles: @F/T/N you are correct and heeeeeyyy I'm not a dork. Y/N is."

"@Y/T/N: So @Harry_Styles, how about them dishes?"

Harry continued to chuckle from across the room and occasionally he'd glance over at you and stick his tongue out at you. You'd return the favor and think of something to send him.

"@Harry_Styles: @Y/T/N Hey cheesehead if you do the dishes tonight I'll do them tomorrow."

"@Y/T/N: For the record let this be publicly known that I'm doing the dishes tonight and @Harry_Styles is now accountable for doing them tomorrow. I have witnesses. Watch ya back!"

"@Harry_Styles: @Y/T/N Thank you dork and thank you for getting up from your seat because now I have another warm spot to sit in."

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