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"So what I do," Lou began as she tried to calm down the very hyperactive guys. "I just put a lot of gel in their hair to keep it in place when they bounce around like five year olds." She put emphasis on the last part in hopes to get the guys to calm down and sit still. She tried but she failed.

She laughed under her breath as she ran her fingers through Niall's hair to put his hair perfectly in place. Once she finished he got up and ran over to the other guys and jumped on top of them.

"Harry get over here!" Lou called as she rinsed her hands of the hair product. Harry came over and sat in the chair quietly. Unlike the others he could actually sit still.

"Y/N this is Harry. Harry this is Y/N and she's my intern." Harry turned around and shook your hand politely. He was even cuter in person but you swore to yourself that this was strictly work. You weren't going to develop feelings for any of these guys.

"Harry's hair is the longest and it takes a lot of work to tame the beast." Lou teased and Harry playfully swatted at her arm. She fixed his hair and Harry got up and lingered around the room whereas the other boys couldn't get out of here quick enough.

"Harry I know Y/N is very pretty but you have to go to work," Lou teased and you could feel your cheeks heat up. His cheeks sported a similar hue and he eventually left the room. "Sorry about him." Lou apologized. "These boys are surrounded by guys everywhere they look and when they see a pretty girl their age they go bananas." She joked and you smiled.


A knock on your hotel room door woke you from my slumber and to say the least you were pretty upset about it. Sleep was your best friend and being deprived of a second of it could make the difference of you having a good or bad day.

You opened the door to be greeted by Harry. He had on a a black t-shirt that was tight enough it showed the outline of his toned body and he wore a pair of old black jeans. The same jeans he has been wearing since the day you first met him.

"Sorry to wake you," he said softly. You then realized you looked like a homeless man. You bit down on your lower lip and apologized for your appearance. Your hair was up in ponytail that wound up becoming a mess during the night and you wore an over sized t-shirt that cut off a little above your knee. You were embarrassed to say the least. "Don't apologize. I find it kind of cute to be honest." He said softly and you could tell by the look on his face he instantly regretted saying that. "I'm sorry," he apologized. "That was uncalled for. I just wanted to know if you wanted to come downstairs and have breakfast with me."

You smiled at how he fumbled over his words but you quickly accepted his offer. You told him you'd meet him down there in a few minutes after you got dressed. He agreed and you ran back into your hotel room to put something together to wear.

You finally opted for jeans and a t-shirt along with your favorite shoes. You grabbed your bag and headed downstairs to meet Harry.

You had sworn to yourself that you weren't going to develop feelings for any of these boys but there you were checking your reflection in a glass covered painting hanging on the wall to make sure you looked decent for him.

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