Take Him Home

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"I'm sorry Y/N," Liam repeated for perhaps the hundredth time. "I would take him myself but I'm tipsy as well." Liam said and you sighed into the receiver.

"Alright," you breathed. "Just make sure he doesn't run into traffic or something. I'll be on my way." You pressed the end button to your phone and slipped on your shoes. You had on only an over sized t-shirt but you threw your jacket over it aimlessly. You had to pick up a completely drunk Harry from a local bar and most likely take care of him in his belligerent state. What a perfect way to spend a night you thought to yourself.


"Thanks Y/N," Liam said as Harry stumbled over to you. You wrapped your arm around his shoulder which lifted your shirt up slightly and revealed your underwear. Liam peered down at you and raised an eyebrow. "Why aren't you wearing pants?" You quickly peered down and your cheeks flushed red.

"I was on the couch watching a movie and I rushed out the door to come here." You admitted and Liam nodded once. He headed back inside the bar after thanking you again and you walked with Harry to your car. He stumbled over his own feet several times and you unlocked the door.

He stumbled inside and just laid there completely drunken and incompetent. You slid into the drivers seat and Harry looked over at you. His eyes were glossy and he had a drunken smirk over his face.

"Y/N," he slurred and you peered over at him before putting the key in the ignition. "You need to buckle me innnnnnnnnn." he whined like a child and you sighed. You unbuckled yourself and got out of your seat to buckle Harry. You reached over his body and tried to grab the belt. Harry grabbed your wrist lightly before you could pull the belt and he sloppily pressed his lips to yours. Quickly you pulled away from him and instead grabbed the belt. You clicked it into place and slid back into your seat and buckled yourself in.

You put the key in the ignition and tried to focus on the road instead of Harry's stare.

"What are you looking at?" You finally broke from concentration and asked him.

He smirked and slurred, "Y/N you are very sexyyy. I want to fuck you real good." He continued to ramble on and you ignored him. Harry was your best friend and he was drunker than drunk. You couldn't take anything he was saying seriously so you ignored his comments as you pulled into your driveway.

You unbuckled your seat and headed over to Harry's side. He had managed to unbuckle himself and climb out of the door as well. He stumbled over his own feet perhaps for the millionth time but he recovered before he fell to the ground.

With one arm you grabbed his waist and with the other you unlocked your front door. It swung open and Harry immediately flopped onto the couch where you once were sitting comfortably while watching a movie. You sighed and pulled off your jacket and kicked off your shoes once more. Harry fell asleep on the couch within minutes so you headed into your bedroom to get some sleep so you could help him with his hangover tomorrow morning.


You woke up to the sounds of Harry moaning under his breath in the living room. The throbbing headache had kicked in and he was curled in a ball on the couch rubbing his temples. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and headed over to him.

"Do you want tea or something Harry?" You whispered and his eyes fluttered open. He said no barely audibly and you headed into the kitchen to make yourself tea.

Harry looked over at you from his spot on the couch. You were reaching up in your cabinet on your tippy toes to grab your tea mug from the second shelf. The action exposed your bare skin on your lower back and your butt was poking out as well. You didn't notice Harry's stare from across the room as you placed your cup on the counter and waited for the tea water to boil.

Harry wet his lips with his tongue and continued to focus on your every movement. You poured and brewed the tea and then headed for the living room. You sat on the couch by Harry's feet and you sipped your tea lightly because it was still steaming hot.

"How did I get here?" Harry said softly while you pressed the cup to your lips.

You swallowed and said, "Liam called me when you were at the bar last night and asked me to drive you home." He nodded and you sipped your tea again.

"Did I kiss you last night?" He said out of the blue and you nearly choked on the hot liquid in your mouth. You nodded while you swallowed and he bit down on his lower lip.

"I'm sorry," he began and you shrugged your shoulders. "I didn't mean to violate you like that."

"It's alright Harry." You replied and he soon fell asleep again. Drunk Harry was interesting Harry but it was nice that he still took responsibility for his actions when drunk.

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