Unwanted Guest

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There was a part of you that knew what was coming, despite the stage of sleep you were in. It was a dreadful feeling as your dream played out, a sinking feeling, knowing you were going to get a visit from an unwanted visitor who had been making appearances more often than usual. Your paralysis demon wasn't particularly scary, but there was a deep sensation of disturbance whenever he showed up. It was the anticipation you felt when you were watching a scary movie you had already seen and you knew your least favorite part was coming up. Peeking around the corner, your dream counterpart lingered at the door of a room, knowing who was waiting inside. You could feel your body tense up and your counterpart froze, not being able to run as the intense feeling of someone standing behind you grew more obvious. You wanted to turn around, but you were afraid to. From the corner of your eye you could see the demon standing there, a wide eerie grin on it's face, the large round yellow eyes that lit up like headlights invaded your space. You tried to yell out but no sound came out of your mouth. Shutting your eyes tightly when the face came closer, you flinched and curled into yourself, telling yourself to wake up. You opened your eyes and started blinking, but it took you a moment to know if you were actually opening them or if you were just dreaming. You couldn't move and you couldn't speak to ask for help. Harry, who had been sleeping soundly beside you, started to stir as he heard your struggle. He had only experienced one of your sleep paralysis episodes, but he was still unsure of what he could do to help soothe you that would be safe for the both of you. He placed his hand on your back and gently caressed it, trying to get you out of your sleeping state. He noticed you opening and closing your fist, a trick you had learned to also help wake you up. After a few minutes, you found it easier to make a fist, signaling that you were waking up, and Harry's voice was finally registering. "Hey," he whispered comfortingly close to your ear. You took in a deep breath and buried your face into his chest as you tried to settle yourself. "You're trembling," he was concerned. He had never seen you in this kind of state before, and the only thing he knew how to do in that moment was wrap his arms securely around you and murmured soothing words to you to try and get you to relax. "It's alright now, you're okay." He tried to get a look at your face, but you were still wrapped up tightly against him. You took in deep breathes, focusing on his voice and the warmth that radiated off of him. After a few more minutes, you finally looked up, taking in Harry's green eyes before letting your face drop for a brief moment against his shoulder. "Are you alright?" His left hand caressed the side of your face, resting gently on your cheek after brushing strands of hair away from your eyes. "Yeah, I'm sorry if I scared you. I thought I was over these." "You don't have any reason to apologize, just as long as you're OK, that's all that matters." He spoke gently, leaning in to place a kiss on your forehead. "Do you wanna talk about it?" There wasn't really anything to talk about. The dreams didn't make much sense to you at all, it was just intense feelings that you didn't really know how to describe. So you shook your head. Maybe one day you'd be able to explain them, but for now, you were content with him holding you. "I'm Ok, I just want to be wrapped up in you." You whispered and nuzzled back into him. Without any delays, you both readjusted yourselves so you were lying down again, your back against his chest and his arms wrapped snuggly around you, you let out a contented sigh. The sound of his breathing lulling you back into a relaxed state.

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