Starry Night [3]

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They haven't spoken about that night since.

Harry had just dumped his books onto the lunch table y/n was sitting at, making her jump. She looked up greeting him before hurriedly writing in her text book. They sat in silence for a bit before y/n went to speak.

"I was thinking about going to prom" she said casually only soaring a quick glance at Harry before looking back to her work.

"You? At prom" he laughed stopping his work and looking at her amused.

"Yeah" she spoke. She was building up the courage to ask him to go with her. "I was thinking-"

"I'm going to ask Carla Tomorrow" he spoke not meaning to interrupt her "I'm going to walk straight up to her and ask" he had a new found confidence within.

"Oh... that's great Harry!" She spoke trying to sound enthusiastic.

"So you're being serious about going?" He asked her still amused at the thought, leaning back in his chair to look at her.

"We'll- probably not, I don't know " she mumbled looking interested in her work.

"I could set you up with someone?" He said.

"Nah, that's alright." She spoke "I'll probably do something else"


"I did it!" Harry announced loudly as y/n walked over to Harry's car to get a lift home.

"Done what?"

"I asked Carla, and she said yes!" He spoke proudly.

"Oh wow, that's-harry that's great!" She spoke trying not to let any emotions slide.

"I'm taking her on a date tomorrow" he said.

"Where to?" Y/n asked curiously.

"Like the first fake date we went on, to see the stars" he said excitedly not knowing or realizing how much it hurt her to hear him say.

She knew it was bound to happen one day, but she didn't think it would be so soon; she thought she still had time, that things between her and Harry were progressing into more than friends.

But y/n only had herself to blame. Harry had made it clear from the start that the end goal was not her.


Harry was extremely nervous. His hands were sweating and he was rubbing them against his trousers while trying to keep his focus on driving. He could see the sweat on the steering wheel from the tips of his fingers.

Carla was sat in the passenger seat making small conversation. But Harry was too nervous to hear what she was actually saying.

What if this date was a disaster and she told all her friends and then he would never have the chance to date some one again, he would have to drop out of uni in humiliation.

Pulling up to the same spot y/n had showed him, they both stepped out of his car, sitting themselves on the bonnet to look over the city.

"this is amazing Harry, I never knew it existed! how did you find this place?" she asked.

Harry's mind flickered to y/n.

"my friend showed it me once" he said with a small smile as he pictured the excitement on y/n's face when she first brought Harry here. His thoughts moved on to the image of him and y/n laying on her bed and looking up at the glow in the dark stars on her ceiling.

"what? that girl 'you're always with around uni?"

"yeah, y/n. She's my best friend" he spoke smiling.


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