Mr. Styles

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A knock on the door alerted them of a new arrival. Andrew could only pray that whoever was behind the door didn't have the balls to test Harry's mood. He was incredibly thankful for Y/N's call. She had done a phenomenal job on him. Andrew could see that Harry was on cloud nine. Unfortunately, it's only the human resources department, reminding Harry why he wasn't home with his son and Y/N."Mr. Styles — what can we help you with?" One of them asked just after Harry had greeted them and shook their hands."I am sure you've heard about the atrocious job that your boss had been doing. There are still people within the branch much affiliated and devoted to Wilson's beliefs and I can't simply allow for this sort of behavior to continue happening. They must pay for wha' they have done. I need all of the employees' profiles and archives. We will individually meet with 'em and essentially hire 'em again. We will be purging the staff; filtering 'em" He has had enough. He only planned on keeping the hard workers. The ones who truly cared."Mr. Styles — this will take days" He warned, but Harry had already anticipated it. After all, they were all humans and needed at least a few hours to sleep and eat."Go get Veronica. It's been more than thirty minutes" Harry said to Andrew over his shoulder after noticing the time. "It's going to take us two days. I know I am asking for a lot, but it is essential. If this branch doesn't start making the same numbers as before, I will be forced to shut it down until further do".Everyone's expressions instantly changed. Harry didn't want to come off as an asshole, but. He had to exert pressure in order to get the results he wanted. It would've been easier to fire everyone and hire new people, but Harry understood that behind each worker there was a family. Families that had to pay their mortgage, cars, tuitions, insurances, and more. Therefore, he wanted to be thorough."We'll go get the files then" He responded, urging everyone out of the office and back downstairs."You are late" He snapped at Veronica as soon as she entered. She was out of breath and her hair was all over as if the wind had just blown it."I am sorry" She apologized, setting the cups of coffee on the desk."Your boss isn't coming back, Ms. Hernandez. Things in this office are going to change whether people like it or not. You will be getting a new boss. A much stricter and meaner boss. One that forces you to do the job you were hired to do. Hence, why I would understand if you felt the need to quit right now" Harry took one of the cups while carefully studying her."I don't want to quit, Mr. Styles" He unbuttoned the cuffs of his shirt as he sat back down on the chair. "I'll work hard. I promise" He felt like he had finally gone through her. It was unfortunate that he had to act like a jackass for her to start taking him and the company seriously. He hated being pushed to the edge."I don't like tardiness, Ms. Hernandez. I am going to give you another chance. Don't let it happen again" he warned, "You are dismissed" Veronica thanked him and departed before Harry had the chance to take back his words. "Get me, Ms. McCoy's number" Andrew bit back his sassy and hateful remark. He was confused as to why he might be calling her. He doesn't know Harry's intentions and he hoped that his boss wasn't playing with Y/N. Andrew could already see how good of an influence she was to him. Harry put her on speaker as he leaned back and enjoyed his coffee as it rang."Hello""I am going to ask you one thing and I expect an immediate answer, Valeria. Why and how the fuck did you get into my apartment last night?" Harry cut to the chance. He had no time for her shenanigans.Valeria giggled. She was overjoyed to have heard his voice. She was having lunch with a group of wealthy women, all members of the country club."I am so happy you finally called me baby" Valeria flashed them a soft smile, acting as if the man who she was talking to was madly in love with her. She needed to conserve the façade. Being part of the close-knitted group meant being able to assist at the most lavish parties and traveling with their families."Who gave you the code and the key?' He doesn't have the energy to fight any further with her. He was beyond tired of her antics. "I'll call the cops and accuse you of trespassing, Valeria. Wouldn't that look rather lovely on the front cover of page six, tomorrow morning?" He threatened her back with the worst thing that could ever be done to her. Defamation."Gosh — give me a minute" she whispered to him. "If you'll excuse me" She left the table and walked a few feet away from their prying ears. "I made a copy of the key"."From whom?"."From the concierge" Harry was a bit surprised by the reveal. He knew the concierge very well. He had worked there since he had first moved. "I took it from him without him noticing. It was one day that I was going to visit you. Before the gold-digging whore that lives in your apartment moved in" She had flirted with him and easily accomplished to wrap him around her little finger."This is ridiculous, Valeria. You need to stop. I won't hesitate to call the cops on you next time. I don't do it this time because I have much respect for your father" Mr. McCoy had been always nice. And it obviously wasn't his fault that his daughter had turned into this."Just answer me this. Why do you want to be with her?" He had thought about it; plenty of times and the list was never-ending. Although he had no plans to share them, especially with her."It's none of your goddam business" His voice was sharp. There was no uncertainness or hesitations. He was stern and completely done with her bullshit."She can't give you anything! I can give you the world and more. I can give you enough to open a new company and I can give you status""I don't need neither of those things""She is a nobody, Harry" This was it. He was sick of her badmouthing her and it was starting to feel rather personal for him."She is more than you are or ever will be. A pretty face and body can only get you so far, Valeria. The way you look down upon people based on the balance of their bank accounts makes you awfully ugly and unappealing" It was mean, but he didn't care. Valeria insulting Y/N to his face made him see red. He wasn't going to allow anyone to talk like that about her."Why do you keep treating me like this?" She wasn't hurt by his words, but surely was acting as if."Same reason why you treat Y/N like shit. I don't like you" He was past done with the conversation and only wished he could hang up the phone."That's unfair. I just miss you, Harry. I want to be with you. Why is it so hard for you to understand?""I don't want to be with you, Valeria. Why can't you understand that? M'not into you""Don't bullshit me. What about all the sex? You never complained. What happened?" Harry couldn't help but cringe at himself. He had based himself on her looks rather than her actual personality and he felt disgusted with himself. Valeria was an attractive woman and so was her body. Naturally, when the opportunity presented, he took advantage of it and had sex with her multiple times."It was just sex f'me. I was clear about that since we first met" Harry had obviously told her his intentions over dinner. They had sat at a very expensive restaurant — Valeria's choice. And after numerous drinks, he explained to her how he wasn't looking for exclusivity. She agreed to it and not because Harry had insisted but because Valeria truly believed that she could make him develop feelings for her."Well! I grew feelings for you!" She liked him a lot. The only obstacle was Oliver Styles. She obviously had never told anyone and would never do so. Valeria knew how awful it sounded. She knew it made her sound like a cold bitch, and news with this magnitude could potentially ruin her reputation and that's all she has ever cared for. It's not that she didn't like kids, but Oliver wasn't hers and she despised the woman that had gotten impregnated by Harry."I didn't. You've got to stop. This is nonsense. You've got to leave me alone. Stop coming to the apartment and I mean it, Valeria. I truly do" He was done playing around and hearing her awfully elaborate excuses."You are mine. I don't want anyone else" He heard her say before she hung up. Harry blew out his cheeks and closed his eyes for a second, enjoying the silence, the peace and quietness that surrounded him. He knew he had lots of work ahead and only hoped that God granted him the patience to endure the next few days.Harry plugged in the code of the top floor and entered his key to the elevator. Instantly reminding him of the dreading conversation that he would need to have with the concierge tomorrow. He pushed the thought to the back of his head. He was too tired to bother worrying about it. It had taken him four days; two more days than expected, to review every single person that worked in the Canadian branch. He worked them for hours until they finally narrowed it down. He was quite surprised that he hasn't lost his voice from all the yelling that had taken place. The number of people that cried when he fired them would hunt him for months, but it needed to be done. He and Andrew had basically consumed enough coffee to stay awake for two whole weeks. However, he was pleased with the overall work.

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