Happiest Birthday [2]

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Credits to: all-my-love-for-harry on Tumblr


It took a little coaxing, but Y/n agreed to his idea and soon they were working on Harry's birthday gift. Mitch booked a small studio in London where they could work on the song. So far they haven't had much luck though. Y/n seemed unable to decide what she wanted to write the song about. It was obvious it needed to be about Harry, but they've been together for three years and have gone through loads of moments both good and bad so how could she pick just one?

"I'll head out, promised Sarah I would pick up dinner on the way home." Mitch said, putting the guitar aside and rubbing his eyes. "Are you staying?"

"Yeah, just a little while. Harry's on a late meeting and I want to use the time."

Mitch nodded, saying his goodbyes before grabbing his stuff. Once he left, Y/n let out a sigh. She didn't think writing a song would be so hard, and she couldn't understand why. She's written poems about Harry. About his eyes, his lips, his tattoos. Y/n had a million ideas yet she couldn't land a single one to make a coherent song. Even a verse.

Now, she wasn't musically inclined. At least not in the way Harry or Mitch were. However, she knew her way around a piano as her grandfather was a music teacher and she would spend hours watching him play the piano at home. She knew how to play a couple of songs but has never created a melody from scratch. She let her fingers brush the keys, playing random notes until she found a couple that sounded good in her ears.

"You're my, my, my, my... lover" Whispering the words, she repeated the melody over and over, letting it sink in. It was a good start though she wasn't sure what has just happened.

She unlocked her phone, rushing to the notes app so she could type what she came up with. She also recorded the melody she played so she wouldn't forget. Y/n let her fingers type on her phone whatever she could think of, finally knowing what she wanted to write about.

That night she left the studio with a smile on her face. Her present was finally starting to come along and she couldn't wait to see Mitch and show him what she had. She decided that instead of writing about just one moment with Harry, she would talk about their relationship as a whole.

"I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all." Mitch read the lyrics on Y/n's phone.

"Is it horrible?"

"No, this is really good, Y/n. What if we write the bridge as if they were wedding bows?" Mitch rushed to the piano, playing on sol major and mumbling random words. "I have had this idea for a while, it plays off of the walk down-ish." He started playing the instrument, trying to brainstorm some more ideas. Mitch's strength wasn't the piano, however, he played it very well.

She sat next to Mitch. "I have no idea about the bridge yet but what if the chorus is something like, Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close forever and ever?" Y/n sang softly, taking over the piano. "And ah, take me out, and take me home. You're my, my, my, my lover."

"Y/N..." Mitch started and she waited for him to tell her it was either too much or too simple. "You're a genius. I think this could be the whole chorus. Just simple, existential questions that you ask yourself when you're in love." Mitch wasn't a man of many words, but right now he seemed way too invested and way too excited to contain himself. "I think we might need a whole band to perform this song."

"I don't know... wouldn't it be too much?"

"In my opinion, this song would sound great with some drums. We could figure it out later but the band will be at your house for Harry's party, I'm sure they'd agree with no problem."

They kept bouncing ideas back and forth, trying real hard to paint an entire picture in the song. They were loving what they were creating but Y/n just hoped Harry would love it as much as she did.

"We need to re-visit this lyric. I think We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til April doesn't sound right." Y/n pointed at her phone. "I think January is more fitting."

"But doesn't everyone leave their Christmas lights up till January?"

"Exactly! It's not about it being a crazy thing, it's about how mundane it is. Harry loves Christmas and never wants to take down the decorations, I think that's one of the first things I learned about him when we started dating." Normally Y/n would go shy while talking about Harry and how much she knew about him, but Mitch was a good listener and he's seen firsthand how much those two loved each other.

Later that night Y/n was making dinner with Harry when she started humming the melody of the song. It was very soft, almost inaudible but Harry was next to her and his ears perk up at the sound of his girlfriend humming. Harry had only heard her sing a couple of times as she always got too shy around him, she'd squirm and say he was way better at it than her. So every time he got to hear her sweet voice he put his full attention on it. Usually, it would be a song they both liked, one out of their joined playlist or sometimes, and Harry's ego loved every second of it, it would be one of his songs. However, tonight he couldn't recognize the melody she was humming.

"What song are you singing, m'heart?" He asked as he finished chopping the onions.

Y/n was doing it involuntarily, not realizing Harry was there and she wasn't alone. "Oh- Just a new one I heard on the radio."

"Never heard it before." He said. "Sounds good, you should add it to our playlist. Do you know what's it called?"

It was then when she realized Mitch and her had been so wrapped into crafting the whole song that they'd forgotten to name the song. She was shit at naming things, never settling with one idea and changing it a million times. She did it at work, with playlists, even with pets she had as a child.

Yet, the word rolled out of her lips effortlessly. "It's called Lover."


Next Part coming Soon <3

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