Happiest Birthday [3]

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Credits to: all-my-love-for-harry on Tumblr


The song was ready. Mitch had to physically take Y/n's phone away to avoid her to keep changing more things, assuring her it was perfect as it was. They've managed to tell the band without Harry knowing. They were all touched and amazed with what Mitch and Y/n had come up with and quickly got on board with the whole thing. Adam got a pretty sick hook with the bass that pulled the whole song together and Sarah suggested a drumbeat to take it to the next level.

Y/n has been in the studio with Harry before, she has watched as he and his team worked through an idea and turned it into a beautiful thing. She has seen the moment they've come up with a beat, a melody, a lyric that turned fundamental to the song but has never experienced it. Being part of it rather than witnessing it was magical in its own way.

She had never been more excited for anything in her life, all she wanted to do was show the song to Harry and watch his reaction. She had practiced on the piano every single day so she could memorize the keys until they came out of her naturally and without really thinking about it. She also messaged Harry's usual vocal coach and asked him to help her through some exercises and ways to improve her voice a little so when she sings it to her boyfriend everything would be perfect. Y/n was beyond excited, beyond exhilarated. Harry's birthday couldn't come sooner.

Despite being wrapped up in her present, Y/n didn't forget to plan Harry's birthday party. When asked, Harry said he wanted something low-key. Mitch, Sarah, Adam, Anne, Gemma, Jeffrey and his girlfriend, Glenne and Y/n's little brother, Matthew. She was sort of relieved of that, knowing that she wouldn't be able to sing in front of more than ten people unless she was drunk.

She had asked Jeff for help to set everything up for when it was time to give Harry his present. Sure, at first he was confused as to why was she asking him to get a drum set in their living room without Harry noticing but quickly caught on.

February 1st rolled in and Y/n made sure everything was perfect. From the moment Harry woke up she was there to spoil him. Usually, he was an early bird but this morning he had slept in, allowing Y/n to make him his favorite breakfast and put it in a tray to surprise him in bed. She also walked the short distance to a small bakery close to their house to get him a cupcake to stick a little candle in. The cake would be picked up by Gemma later for the party but she wanted to sing happy birthday to him first.

"Darling?" Harry pushed himself on a sitting position, trying to rub the sleep off his eyes. "What's that?"

"Happy birthday, H." She said with a sweet tone, carefully placing the tray on his lap. She kissed him on his cheek then another one on his lips. Harry welcomed the feeling of her lips on his, loving that it was the first thing he felt in the morning.

"Thank you, my love. This looks delicious." Harry motioned for her to join him, grabbing the fork and knife and insisting on feeding her from his breakfast. "What time did you get up to do all of this?"

"Well, it is almost eleven in the morning so I had plenty of time." She giggled. "Hang on, let me get the lighter for the candle." Harry could easily represent the heart eyes emoji as he was listening to the love of his life sing happy birthday to him. He thought it couldn't get any cuter but then she pulled out a birthday hat and put it on his head, clapping as he blew the candle.

He didn't ask for anything. Everything he could ever want was right in front of him, sitting on their bed wearing nothing but one of his shirts and the most gorgeous smile he's ever seen.

"Can we stay in bed all day?" He said after putting the empty tray on the nightstand and pulling Y/n to his chest, sighing happily as he kissed the top of her head.

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