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All of you guys are beautiful just the way you are, I love you all and remember Harry does too. Do not let anyone convince you otherwise.

Days, weeks and soon months passed and you couldn't seem to shake yourself out of your desolate state of hopelessness.

You felt run down, like you couldn't do anything right. You shut yourself off from everything around you simply because you didn't want to burden the world with your sadness.

You spent the majority of your time staring at your reflection in the mirror picking out every nit-picky flaw you could find. You'd take numerous showers to try to wash away the film of sadness covering your flesh, but the sadness was embedded in your soul.

You constantly walked around looking at the ground, avoiding any form of human contact. You hated yourself and you didn't want anyone to have to look at you. The feat that if you'd lock eyes with someone they'd see the sadness in your eyes haunted you whenever you were forced to go in public.

You were miserable in your own skin and that was the sad truth.

You didn't want to admit it to yourself but all you really wanted was someone to notice you, to see how low you held your head and use their finger to bring it up. You needed someone to save you from your negative thoughts and replace your sadness with happiness but no one would come.

"I'm so sorry," a voice called which snapped you out of your state of sadness. You were taking your typical route to class when you crashed into a stranger which caused you to fall on the ground. You looked up from the ground to immediately apologize at whomever you crashed into but you stopped yourself short.

"No, it's my fault." You said softly and got up without touching him despite the hand he was holding out for you to grab. You wanted to spare him the disgust of touching such a vile human being.

You wiped the dirt off of your backside and stared down at your feet, a force of habit. The guy before you looked familiar, but you couldn't pinpoint exactly who he was.

"It was my fault." He tried to reassure you and you shrugged your shoulders. It was an odd gesture but you couldn't think of anything else to do.

"I think I've seen you around before. You're going to class now right?"

You nodded.

"I am as well. Would you accept my offer of buying you a coffee since I knocked you over?"

You wanted to continue to parade around and be miserable, but something was telling you to say yes to his offer. So you nodded yes once more.

He led you to a coffee shop and you trailed behind him. Watching the backs of his brown boots as you walked down the streets was the only way you knew where he was going.

He opened the door to the coffee shop and a bell chimed as you walked inside. The coffee shop was small but the overpowering scent of coffee filled up the empty space.

"What would you like?" He asked politely and he looked over at you. You were aware of how he was looking at you but you couldn't dare to look up at him.

"Whatever you're getting." You said softly and he nodded. He asked the blonde woman behind the counter for two medium coffees and he handed her his credit card. She swiped his card and then handed it back to him along with a receipt.

You stood slightly behind him so you could look at him without him noticing. It was sort of an odd habit, but you had many of those. When you're insecure you learn how to do things other people can with ease in your own way.

He was a tall guy with brown locks that were hidden by the black beanie covering his head. He was very attractive. Too attractive to be seen with you, your subconscious added.

Your insecurities began to overpower you and you felt like shutting down. What were you thinking? You went to a coffee shop with some guy you didn't even know. You were stupid and you felt like crawling into a hole until your 100th birthday. You didn't want to be a burden, but you were being a burden.

A styrofoam cup was handed to you and you pressed the edge to your lips. The guy headed over to an empty table in the back corner of the shop and he sat down.

You wanted to leave more than anything but you were already a burden and you didn't want to be rude as well. So you unwillingly sat down across from him and eyed the cup in front of you.

"I'm sorry that I haven't asked for you name," he began after a few moments of uncomfortable silence.

"I'm Y/N." You said softly and from the corner of your eye you could see a small frown grow across his face. Now not only were you a burden you were also making him upset, great.

"Nice to meet you Y/N, I'm Harry." He said politely and you nodded for perhaps the millionth time.

"Can I ask you something?" He said softly and you pressed the cup to your lips with a nod. "I've seen you around before and not once have I seen your face."

"I don't like when people look at me," you began and you placed the cup back down on the table. "You must think I'm craz-""Not at all." He chimed in and you peered up at him.

Why you looked at him was beyond you, but you were glad that you did. His eyes were a bright green color and as soon as you looked up a smile formed across his face.

"Now I know why you don't look up." He said and you felt your heart shatter. You looked back down at the table and thought of smacking yourself in the face. All of your insecurities were proven correct. You were ugly, disgusting and horrible. You felt like the biggest idiot in the world thinking that a guy like him could ever like someone like you. "I know why you don't look up." He repeated and you could feel tears brim your eyes. You wanted to get up and run away but part of you wanted to hear what he had to say. You wanted to hear him tell you all the things you told yourself daily, that you were ugly and worthless. But he didn't.

"You don't look up Y/N because the hideous world doesn't deserve to see such a beautiful face, so you keep it to yourself." He said with sincerity and you shook your head.

"You're wrong," you began and the tears began to fall from your eyes. "You're so wrong."

Harry saw the tears begin to fall from your eyes and he immediately got up from his seat and sat next to you. He hesitated before placing his hands on your cheeks and wiping the tears from your eyes.

"No," he said after he wiped your eyes. "You're wrong." He left his hands on your face and you looked up at him again.

"You're beautiful Y/N," He said softly and for once in your life you didn't look away. "I wish you saw what I saw because then you'd understand."

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