Styles Family Dinner

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Harry's P.O.V.

"This food is delicious!" Y/N said while putting a forkful of my mothers pasta into her mouth. A smile grew across my mothers face as she dabbed a napkin to the corners of her mouth, wiping away the sauce.

"Thank you Y/N!" She said sweetly and took another forkful and Y/N did the same. The table was quiet, but a comfortable sort of quiet. I was so relieved that this dinner wasn't weird or odd in any way which was definitely my biggest fear when I arrived with Y/N.

My family has met Y/N before but this was the first time they would be around her for a longer time instead of the hour or so that they have been around her.

I remember on the ride here Y/N was a bundle of nerves. She was fidgeting in her seat and she would chew on her lower lip, a nervous habit of hers. I tried my best to relax her, but I was just as nervous as her if not more so.

The weight once resting on my shoulders along with the lurking cloud of worry floated away and I had to try to hide a smile from spreading across my face.

"So Y/N, tell me about yourself." My mother said sweetly while pressing her glass of water to her lips and taking a sip. Y/N placed her fork down and began to speak about her schooling, something very important to her right now, as well as her family.

Throughout the remainder of dinner, my family asked Y/N about various things and she asked them things as well. Although to me, it seemed like she was being interviewed, she happily answered all their questions.

It started to seem like I was being edged out of the conversation, but I didn't mind. I couldn't be happier to know that my family liked her. After all, a family's approval is extremely important and knowing that Y/N had my family's approval meant the world to me.

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