You get Your Wisdom Teeth out

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"You look like a chipmunk," Harry teased and began to chuckle at your expense.

"Ha-ha. Very funny." You replied and groaned in pain after speaking. The pain in your jaw was brutal and no amount of painkillers was doing a decent enough of a job to stop it.

Harry pressed a kiss to your temple and headed into the kitchen to get your an ice pack. You thanked him for doing so and pressed the cold material to your right jaw. It stopped your cheek from swelling further but it didn't stop the throbbing ache in your mouth.

You groaned in pain once more and Harry sat down on the couch next to you. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and you leaned against his chest. You tried to focus more on his heartbeat than your aching mouth but it didn't work very well. The pain was searing through you and you hated it.

"Is there anything I could do for you?" Harry said softly as he pressed another kiss to your temple. You shook your head no because there really wasn't anything he could do. He couldn't stop the pain in your mouth nor could he magically fix your jaw. You unfortunately had to stick it out and pray that the painkillers you were prescribed would kick in.

Harry turned on your favorite television show in hopes to distract you. He ran his fingers through your hair and you soon fell asleep in his arms.

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