Mutual Friends

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"I really don't know about this..." You said as your friend walked with you up the stairs to your friend Grimmy's house. He was quite the party animal and he always had nice parties but this one you weren't so sure about. It was the first party you went to since you broke up with your ex boyfriend. Your friend told you to come to help shrug off your guilt of breaking up with him which in her mind meant 'get as shitfaced as possible.' But you had other reasons to be anxious. The party was no doubt going to be jam packed full of people you weren't really comfortable around which caused your nerves to amp up even more.

"Relax Y/N it'll be fun!" Your friend tried to reassure you as she opened the front door. The room was filled with people holding red solo cups in their hand and the ones who weren't holding cups were playing beer pong so they could end up holding a cup. Tables were set up with all sorts of alcoholic beverages covering them along with of course the red cups.

"Hey Y/N, I'm gonna go play beer pong. Wanna come play?!" Your friend exclaimed as she watched two buff guys play. She might as well have just said that she wanted to flirt with them because you knew she was the worst beer pong player in the world. She just needed an excuse.

"No thanks, I'm gonna go find Nick." You replied and she nodded.

You looked around the room for your friend Grimmy to say hello and after a few moments of searching for your friend, you eventually spotted him. He was speaking to a few other friends of yours but he also was talking to a guy you never met before. Your eyes soon locked with Grimmy's before you could try to make out who the guy was. Grimmy called out your name and the unfamiliar guy looked in your direction as he did.

This mystery guy was roughly around your age with sharp green eyes and a dimpled grin. And to be frank, he was adorable.

"Hey Y/N!" Grimmy said as the guy looked down at his drink and twirled the liquid around in the cup all while biting down on his lower lip. "I'm surprised you don't have a drink yet. This isn't like you. Are you alright?" Nick teased and he turned to grab a beer from a cooler behind him. "Quick drink this before you pass out from withdrawal!' He said as poured the frothy liquid into a cup and handed it to you. You took a big swig for show and recalled how much you hated the taste of beer or any alcoholic beverage to be exact.

You nearly choked on the drink because of its bitter taste and the stranger standing next to you tried to conceal his laughter. He probably saw right through you and figured you didn't drink or thought you were just trying to be "edgy."

Every time you went to one of Grimmy's parties you would pour yourself a glass of soda and pretend it was beer which summed up how "edgy" you really were. Drinking really wasn't your type of thing but all this time Grimmy thought it was.

You held the cup in your hand and occasionally pressed the rim of it to your lips to give the illusion that you were actually drinking it. Realistically speaking, you weren't even drinking. All you did was tilt the cup slightly and pretend you were.

The guy continued to smile at you and you found yourself smiling back. Grimmy immediately chimed in clearly drunk, "Before you two eye fuck some more at least introduce yourselves to each other." Your cheeks reddened and so did the guys. The only difference was that he looked adorable with reddened cheeks.

"I'm Y/N," you said initiating the conversation.

"I'm Harry, nice to meet you." He replied.

"See! Isn't it much more fulfilling now to know that you can eye fuck and know each others names while doing so!" Nick chimed in again. Before you could reply to his comment he slurred, "Everyone outside! Let's play some hide and seek!"

You shrugged your shoulders at Harry and the two of you followed Nick outside. The swarm of people that were once inside all ran to find hiding spots as Grimmy began to count.

"Quick! I know a spot," you said to Harry and the two of you bolted for the backyard of Nick's house. A tall tree in his backyard would be the perfect hiding spot so you began to climb up it with Harry following you. You didn't climb too high however but it was just enough where you could sit on a branch but still stay out of sight.

"Ready or not here I come bitches!" Grimmy slurred from the front yard and you chuckled a bit.

"He's so shitfaced," Harry said and you nodded. "Unlike you." He teased and you smiled.

"Was it that obvious?"

"Pretty close but the rest of them were all too drunk to notice your face of disgust as you sipped it the first time." Harry said with a rather big smile.

"Perhaps that's why Grimmy thinks I drink so much...because he's drinking so much." You joked and Harry laughed.

"Yeah, I guess so." He began to pick at the bark of the tree nervously. "I don't drink either. I barely know you but I do know that I already have more in common with you than I do with the people in that house." He said with a sheepish smile.

You laughed and nodded, "Agreed. I love Nick but I'm not much of a party person."

"Were you dragged here?"

"Was that obvious as well?"

He laughed, "Pretty obvious but in all honesty, so was I."

"Another thing in common," you added and he smiled showing off his cute dimple again.

"This might sound a bit weird seeing as how we don't really know each other all that well but do you want to go somewhere else with no alcohol of course," he joked. "I'd like to get you know you better in a place other than a tree."

You laughed, "That sounds like a plan. I can actually feel the bark digging into my flesh."

"Me too," Harry agreed.

"Another thing!" The two of you said at the same time and you both began to laugh. You climbed down the tree and quickly told your friend that you and Harry were going to go somewhere else. She assumed you meant that you were going to have sex but in reality all you were going to do was see what else you had in common with him besides not drinking, being dragged here and suffering from bark wounds.

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