Starry Night [1]

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"I wish the sky looked this amazing all of the time" y/n spoke to Harry as they lay on top of her bed sheets looking up at the ceiling.

Harry had both arms propped under his head, his hair sticking up in all directions. All the lights were off and y/n had hundreds of glow in the dark stars adorning the ceiling and walls of her dorm room. She often found herself laying there when things got too much, turning the lights off and admiring how peaceful it could be.

"Yeah, it would be amazing to find somewhere clear enough to actually see them. Bloody light pollution" Harry spoke making her turn her face to look at him and chuckle.

Harry and y/n had been best friends for years. From the first day they met; when Harry sat down next to her in science class, to the day they went to the same university.

"I forgot to tell you earlier" harry spoke suddenly perking up. He sat up slightly on his side to face her. "But you know that girl I was telling you about the other day"

"Yeah" she encourage him now looking straight at him.

"She smiled at me today" Harry said smiling happily at the thought, replaying it back in his mind again and again.

"That's great! She knows you exists now!" Y/n spoke excited for him. Harry seemed to really like this girl, always talking about her even though he had never spoken to him before, y/n just wanted him to be happy. He did deserve it after all.

She was only a little worried for him. This girl - Carla ran with a different crowd than Harry and Y/n. She was a cheerleader, popular and always surrounded by a large group of friends.

Whereas Harry and y/n couldn't be more of the opposite, their group just consisted of the two of them. But they liked it that way. University didn't have specific cliques. No one really knew anyone except for those who were cheerleaders or played on sports teams.

"Yeah, I couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the lecture" he laughed at himself "pathetic right?"

"It's kinda sweet" she replied smiling although she couldn't fully see him in the dark, she knew he would be blushing.

"I can dream" he spoke sadly.

"Hey.." She said softly, sensing the sadness on his voice. "Don't say that, I know for sure your dreams will come true".

"Thanks" he smiled smally, not believing her, but he knew she wouldn't let it go if he disagreed.

Y/n was the best person he knew. She had the kindest heart, there wasn't a word that came out of her mouth that was bad. Sometimes he worried about her. She seemed so full of hope for the world- he was worried that one day she would see the world for what it truly was. He never wanted that day to happen.

"I'm not her type" harry spoke "I have absolutely no experience of anything like that!"

"That doesn't matter" she spoke.

"I'm never going to make the first move when I've never asked someone on a date before or even been on one!" Harry exclaimed, sighing at his lack of experience and understanding.

"I believe you can if you really want to" y/n spoke in concern at the state he was getting himself into. He had fully sat up, a hand running through his hair in stress.

"w-why don't you teach me?" Harry spoke his hand stopping. He looked at y/n eyes pleading with her.

"What do you mean?" She asked hesitantly, shocked at the thought. Her face had frozen, the thought of going on a date with Harry- even if it was just a pretend one, scared her to bits.

She didn't think she could handle that. Going on dates with him but it all being an act. It would hurt her heart beyond repair knowing its not real.

"Don't be silly" she laughed playing it off "you don't need my help, you can do it yourself Harry"

"Please y/n, I'm begging you, it will make me feel more comfortable and it will build up my confidence, please" harry begged desperately. She sighed deeply, closing her eyes momentarily.

"Okay okay, fine" she spoke faking a laugh, she always gave in so easily to him.

"Thank you so much" he sighed collapsing back on her bed to look up at the ceiling. "So where would you want to go on the first date?"

"That's your job to decide" she spoke glancing at him amused.

"This is why I need your help, help to decide where I would take her once I ask her out" he spoke.

"Fine, um..." She looked up at the glowing stars in her room thinking if her ideal first date. Truth is she had never been on dates to places she would want to go. In fact she had never been on a successful date, they all ended in a somewhat disaster. "We could go see real stars, find somewhere we can actually see them"

"How cliche" harry chuckled.

"Isn't that what dates are meant to be?" She said raising an eyebrow.


"Holy shit, it's ... Beautiful" harry spoke softly.

It was the first fake date they had been on and they were sitting on the bonnet of Harry's car, parked at the highest point in the city giving a view of all the houses and roads below; a shared blanket around their shoulders while they looked up at the pitch black sky.

They were further away from the city out here meaning they could see the silvery stars littered across the night sky.

Y/n admired how it looked like scattered fairy dust; it was magical. She turned to admire Harry watching the sky in amazement, his mouth parted in wonder. She traced her eyes across his jaw line, imagining what it would be like it this was a real date. Would she be allowed to trace her fingers across his cheek and down to his lips before kissing him softly?

She mentally shook herself out of her trance, knowing the more she thought about if the more it would hurt. This wasn't a real date, this was her helping a friend gain experience to take some one else; someone who was not her out.

"Do you think she will like this?" Harry asked suddenly turning to look at her.

Y/n quickly looked up so she wouldn't be caught staring.

"I think she'd be silly not to" she smiled softly at him, meeting his eyes.


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