Plans to..... [1]

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"Goddamnit it, Styles," you cursed, reaching up to run a frustrated hand through your hair. Shaking your head, you walked from your room and trailed a few paces across your apartment, rapping your knuckles against the front of your roommate's door a moment later.

When silence greeted you, you sighed. Tentatively, you reached down and grabbed the handle, pushing the door open a few moments later. "Styles?" You called out, voice carrying across his room. When you received no response, you walked into the room completely and sighed. He was out, and his room was a complete mess.

Before you could do anything more, you felt your phone vibrate in your back pocket. Pulling it out quickly, you swiped to answer when you saw the man in question's face staring up at you from the screen. "Hi," you greeted, feeling a little part of your despair when your eyes swept the mess of his room.

"Hey, Y/N! You texted?" he replied, sounding entirely too cheerful for 7am on a Sunday morning.

"Yeah," you replied, stifling a yawn. "I'm looking for my socks. I want to wash my clothes but I think I left them in your room a few days ago. Do you have any idea where they could be?" After eight months of living together, you and Stiles had adopted the routine of Friday night being Movie Night. As per tradition, you'd ended up on his bed a few nights prior, comfortably leaning against his side as you watched the film of the week. Before turning over to fall asleep on your side of his bed, you'd thrown your socks off. They'd failed to make an appearance and, seeing as Sunday was your designated cleaning day, you were determined to find them before making a trip to the washing machines.

"Oh, right," he mumbled, making a sound as if he was thinking. "Check under my bed. I think I might've kicked them under there when I woke up," he suggested. Groaning somewhat, you put his voice on speakerphone and got down onto your hands and knees, craning your neck to look under your side of his bed. "I didn't wake you up this morning, right?"

Smiling slightly, you shook your head before remembering he couldn't see you. "No, no," you denied, squinting your eyes as you looked beneath the bed. "Didn't wake me up on your way to special FBI training." Pretty early on in your adventures sharing an apartment together, you'd been forced to tell him off for crashing around in the morning. As much as you were grateful you hadn't been stuck with someone with worst habits, you didn't always want to be woken at the crack of dawn by him.

"It's not FBI training," he countered, a soft lilt to his voice.

"Harry," you began, furrowing your eyebrows when your gaze landed on a few folders, "you learn how to hack into government agencies. I'm pretty sure that constitutes as FBI training." You paused, reaching forward to grab the files. "Hell, you're gonna make a great agent - you even have folders under your bed! That's dedication."

"Folders under my bed?" He questioned, seeming a little confused. After a moment his voice came back louder, a sudden urgency in his words making your ears perk up. "Don't look at those folders, Y/N."

"Uhh, why not?" You wondered, dropping the files as if you'd been shocked. He never normally raised his voice, and despite it coming crackling along a phone line, you could tell he was completely serious.

"Classified information," he spoke slowly. "You're not allowed to read them. I'm sorry it has to be that way but, uh, I could get in trouble if I let you see them."

Pouting ever so slightly, you were only placated when you noticed your socks, sitting a little to the left of the folders. "Alright then," you responded, plucking the socks from the floor. "Well, I've found my socks. Do you want me to put any of your clothes through the washer?"

When he replied, he seemed a lot calmer than before, the edge of terror having vanished from his voice. "Yeah, yeah that'd be great. Do you mind just taking whatever looks dirty from my floor? I'll pay you back for it later."

As you looked at the pigsty around you, you sighed quietly. "Yeah, sure. I'll wash it for you."

"Thank you!" Came his response, light as air. "I'll bring Chinese on my way home. Do you want your normal?"

Trying to ignore the way your heart fluttered at the thoughtful compromise, you answered, "yeah, that's great. I'll see you then?"

"Will do. Bye!"

When the line cut out, you found yourself sitting back on the floor. A moment of indecision spread across you. Whilst you didn't want to do something to get him in trouble, you had to admit that the curiosity to reach out and grab the folders was growing unbearable. You wanted to know so badly what was held within the pages that before you could stop yourself, you were reaching out to bring them closer.

It's not like Stiles would ever need to know.

Feeling entirely too sneaky, you pulled open the top folder and did a double take when you read the first page.

"Plans I should put in action to finally seduce my hot roommate......."

To be continued soon <3

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