Starry Night [2]

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"Holy shit, it's ... Beautiful" harry spoke softly.

It was the first fake date they had been on and they were sitting on the bonnet of Harry's car, parked at the highest point in the city giving a view of all the houses and roads below; a shared blanket around their shoulders while they looked up at the pitch black sky.

They were further away from the city out here meaning they could see the silvery stars littered across the night sky.

Y/n admired how it looked like scattered fairy dust; it was magical. She turned to admire Harry watching the sky in amazement, his mouth parted in wonder. She traced her eyes across his jaw line, imagining what it would be like it this was a real date. Would she be allowed to trace her fingers across his cheek and down to his lips before kissing him softly?

She mentally shook herself out of her trance, knowing the more she thought about if the more it would hurt. This wasn't a real date, this was her helping a friend gain experience to take some one else; someone who was not her out.

"Do you think she will like this?" Harry asked suddenly turning to look at her.

Y/n quickly looked up so she wouldn't be caught staring.

"I think she'd be silly not to" she smiled softly at him, meeting his eyes.


 The fake dates continued over the weeks. Harry and y/n had covered a lot if their city; bowling; drive in cinema; laser tagging; fancy dinners at fancy restaurants; shitty dinners at shitty diners.

Tonight they were going to the beach. A picnic next to the sea.

They had a red tartan blanket laid on the sand, cans of cider in their hands while they talked about everything. Maybe they had drunk a little more than they planned but they were having fun, that's all that mattered.

"Let's go skinny dipping!" Harry said energetically, standing up quickly and nearly staggering over. Y/n drunkenly laughed at him.

"It's too cold harry! You'll get hypothermia or something!" She giggled standing up to try and stop him. But harry had pulled his top off, working on his trousers.

"Harry.." She spoke as her voice caught in her throat. She sudden felt sober, taking In every detail of her best friend, she admired his beauty until he started running towards the sea.

"Come on!" He shouted while running straight into the water.

"Harry!" She shouted over at him " oh fuck" she called as she watched him fall over into the sea. She ran after him, throwing her top off on the way, leaving behind a trail of clothes.

The water was freezing and she let out a small scream as she swam her way over to harry who was now standing up, admiring the reflection of the moon in the water.

"Jesus Christ Harry" she spoke as she reached him, her hand touching his arm gently, gaining his attention. He looked at her smiling softly as she shivered.

"You look beautiful you know" he spoke. Y/n let out a shocked laugh.

"Shut up" she spoke looking away almost shyly.

"Honestly.." He spoke, his voice soft.

"Harry.." She whispered as his hand cupped her cheek. His thumb tracing over her bottom lip, eyes flicking down to them. He leaned forward, brushing their lips together, she leaned in slightly which was all harry needed to press his lips more firmly to hers. His hands found their way to her waist pulling his flush against him while the water from the sea hit their bare skin.

"We should probably go" she whispered when they pulled away. She was met with an intense stare from Harry and he watched her walk out of the sea, picking her trail of clothes up as she went. He followed after her doing the same.

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