Work Dates

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"Dr Y/L/N," your nurse Amanda said while removing the mask off of her face. You looked up at her and she said, "The boys from One Direction are here and I let them into the children's department."

You nodded and Amanda walked back down the halls to rejoin the boys. You were too busy to go greet them personally so you had asked your nurse to do it for you. It seemed a bit rude seeing as how you invited the boys to come but you didn't have the time to chat but the hospital was extremely busy.

On your way to visit one of your patients you peered into the children's department. Through the clear glass windows you could see a tall brown haired boy leaning over a small girl while she held up a doll to him. A large smile was on his face and it caused you to smile. You had no clue why but it just did. It took you a few seconds to realize that you were staring and that you had patients to visit.


About an hour and a half later you were finally on a well deserved break. You headed for the break room and when you did you were greeted by 4 young guys perhaps a few years younger than you were.

They were all sitting at the table closest to the door with Amanda while drinking some of the terrible coffee the hospital provided. You hated it yet you poured yourself a cup and drowned the bitter taste with sweeteners.

"Guys this is Y/N. She's the one who invited you all here." Amanda said and you looked up at her. The eyes of the young boys followed yours as you stirred your coffee and then sat at the table with them.

"Thank you all so much for coming. You really don't know how much this means to some of those children there." You said and then you pressed the coffee cup to your lips.

"It's no problem at all we enjoy visiting." You smiled at the young blond boy's response.

"I might be crazy but weren't there five of you?" You said and they began to laugh.

"Yeah," one said. "Harry fell in love with a young girl named Anabelle I believe and he decided to stay with her a bit longer." You smiled while picturing the tall boy looking down at little Anabelle like she was the worlds greatest gift.

A bit of small talk later you decided to head back to the children's department. When you arrived Harry was sitting on the floor in the play area surrounded by ten young kids while holding up a book in the air as he read to them.

His voice was soothing and gentle as he read the story Little Red Riding Hood to the small children, Anabelle of course was one of them.

You stood in the door frame and watched as he read and used different voices when he was a different character. He didn't even notice you standing there which made it all the more special.

He finished the story and the children began to play amongst themselves. He locked eyes with you from across the room and you smiled at him.

"I've never seen them all so captivated by that story before," you said and he smiled.

"I've read that story a fair share of times in my life." He bit down on his lip and extended out his arm. "I'm Harry."

"Dr. Y/L/N, but you can call me Y/N." You said politely and he began to ask you questions about the work you do. The two of you chatted for a while about random things and before you knew it the rest of the boys came to collect him so they could return back home.

"Well Y/N," Harry said with a shy smile. "It was a pleasure meeting you."

"You as well Harry. Thank you for being so kind to the kids." You said in response and he shrugged.

"I love kids so it's not something I need to be thanked for." He said and turned to leave but then he whipped back around. "May I ask you something?"

You nodded.

"Would it be weird if I asked for your number? I'd love to get to talk to you more."

You obliged and the two of you exchanged numbers. Anabelle hugged Harry's leg as he began to walk out of the room with a smile plastered across his face as he did.

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