Love at First Sight

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Harry's P.O.V.

"Harry? Are you even listening to me?" Louis said as he waved his hand in front of my eyes. It took my brain a moment to register his words; they were more like an annoying background noise. I nodded slightly and resumed my creepy staring.

A girl around my age was sitting at a table surrounded by her friends and I couldn't help but focus on her. Something about the way her hair flowed past her shoulders and the way her smile practically lit up the entire room had me captivated from the second she walked in the room.

Louis continued to talk to me but I tuned him out. He'd take the hint sooner or later that I really wasn't interested. I had more important and more beautiful things on my mind. My palms began to sweat so I rubbed them on the legs of my jeans. I don't know why I was so completely nervous but the feeling overcame me.

The mystery girl across the room probably felt my eyes burning holes into her so she looked over at me and flashed me a sweet smile. My palms sweated even more and my heart began to pound ten million miles a minute. If it were to go any faster it could run around the Earth ten times.

"Harry what are you staring at?!" Louis called and he turned around in his seat. His eyes met my mystery girl and when he turned back around he smirked at me. "Well go talk to her mate," he said with the smirk still plastered across his face. "She's quite fit. You better tell her you want to have children with her before someone else does." He teased and I rolled my eyes.

"It's not that simple-"

"What are you a girl mate? Of course it's simple, just watch." Louis said and my mind did that annoying thing where it didn't listen to Louis so before I knew it he was halfway across the restaurant. I got up out of my chair and raced over to him but it was too late.

"Hello," he said cheekily. "My mate Harry here..." he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and patted my chest before continuing, "fancies you quite a lot and he would like your number." He unwrapped his arm from my shoulder and said, "See was that too hard?"

I could feel my cheeks and my anger burning up. I hated how Louis never failed to embarrass me. It made me so furious how he always had to one up me.

"Of course," the mystery girl said sweetly and she pulled out her phone. I take that back. I love Louis. "Put your number in my phone and I'll do the same with yours." She said with a smile. I slid my hand into my pocket and handed her my phone.

She typed it in and handed it back to me. Her name was Y/N Y/L/N and one day she was going to be Y/N Styles. 

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