Starry Night [The End]

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"yeah, y/n. She's my best friend" he spoke smiling.

"He loved it!" Harry spoke as soon as y/n stepped into his car.

"that's great" she spoke not really interested. She had about 3 hours sleep and couldn't take the energy in Harry's voice, it was too early.

"someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today!" he said shooting her a charming smile as he pulled out of the car park.

The ride was silent as y/n leaned against the window ready to fall asleep.

"she invited us to sit with her and her friends today" Harry spoke once he parked on the campus and turned the engine off.

"what do you mean us?" y/n frowned.

"she invited you too" he spoke as if obvious.

"why would she do that she doesn't know who I am"

"she asked about you last night" Harry said.



"im taking her on the beach date today" Harry spoke as soon as he sat down next to y/n once he spotted her on the campus.

y/n looked up not hearing him sat down next to her.

"oh, that will be nice" she spoke turning back to her book.

Harry hadn't seen much of y/n the past few weeks. She had suddenly become more interested in getting her work done, spending evenings in the library or reading. He missed her.

"what's up?" he asked nudging her playfully but he got no response. "y/n?"


"what's up and don't avoid my question" he spoke concerned.

"just tired" she mumbled straining a smile. "anyway, tell me about what you have planned then? she said putting her book down and pretending to be interested now to get him off her back. "don't tell me you're going to go skinny dipping" she chuckled at the memory.

"well, i'm not against it if she's not" Harry smirked suggestively, laughing. Y/n fake laughed along.

"well i'm sure you will have a great time" she spoke looking at him, tracing her eyes over his face and seeing his genuine smile.


Harry was having a moment of deja vu. Here he was sitting on a red picnic blanket on the sand, chatting about anything and everything with a girl. But the only difference was that it wasn't y/n sat next to him.

Instead it was the girl of his dreams. Or so he thought.

He couldn't help but compare the two girls.

He knew he shouldn't. But he couldn't help it. He just didn't seem to have as much fun on these real dates than he did with y/n.

He found himself uninterested in the topics Carla spoke about. He didn't care about her friends who were sleeping with her other friends. Harry didn't like gossip and that's one of the reasons him and y/n got on so well.

Harry couldn't help but feel like maybe he had fucked up somewhere along the line.

The girl in front of him now just wasn't the girl for him.

He couldn't imagine her standing in the sea just several meters away from where they sat. He couldn't imagine pressing his lips against hers while the water surrounded them. It was wrong. He shouldn't have even brought her here in the first place.

In fact he shouldn't have even asked her out.

"harry?" Carla spoke "Harry?"

Her voice brought him out of his train of thought.


"are you even listening to me?" she spoke a tone of annoyance in her voice.

"sorry, you were saying?" he said now turning to face her to pay attention.

"forget it. Why don't you just take me home?" she spoke

"w-what?" Harry asked surprised

"oh come on. you know this isn't working." Carla spoke. "honestly, it's okay. I see the way you look at her"


"your so-called best friend" she spoke

"what do you mean?" Harry said panicked.

"it's okay to fall in love with your best friend you know" Carla spoke, her voice soft.

"i'm not in love with y/n" Harry spoke uncertainly making Carla laugh.

"friendship can be an excuse Harry" she spoke. "and you don't sound too certain about that"

Harry had gone silent.

"come on" she laughed standing up "lets go"

"I - shit" Harry spoke running his hand through his hair.

"I can't believe it took you this long to figure it out" Carla laughed at the brown haired boy. At the end of the day she understood that you never expect to fall in love with the people you do, but when you know; you know. You would be silly to let anyone or anything stand in your way of love.... 

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