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Credits to: all-my-love-for-harry on Tumblr


The sun was showing through the soft material of the gray curtain on the room, it being completely quiet except for the soft snores that were coming out of Harry's mouth. He rolled over the bed, expecting to be stopped by his girlfriend's body resting beside him, the only difference was that he was met with the empty space already getting cold from the morning heat.

Lifting his head a little, he opened one eye to look for Y/N around the room. It was just when he noticed there was no one there, he started to sit up on the bed, rubbing his eyes with the palm of his hands.

"Love?" Harry half whispered due the fact he was still half asleep.

Confused by her absence in both their bed and their room, he decided to stand up and go look for his girlfriend downstairs, telling himself she was probably already up and making breakfast. He was already making his way out of the room when he noticed the door of the bathroom slightly opened, light creeping out from the little space between the doorframe and the door itself.

He smiled to himself when he heard her voice in there, tiptoeing his way to the bathroom to see what she was doing. When he got closer, harry got to hear what she was mumbling and his eyes got a little watery almost immediately.

It was one of his songs, Y/N was singing one of his songs. He stayed star truck by the sound of her, of course he has heard her sing before, but never in a completely quiet space while doing such a mundane thing as straitening her hair. He tried to open the door without her noticing, succeeding at continuing to watch her and listen to her beautiful voice. He sighed happily.

Being away for so long from her while touring the world was one of the hardest things he has ever done in his life, but he was finally home and he wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon. He thought about the tiffany box shoved and hidden in one of his drawers, making him feel butterflies on his tummy.

He always knew she was the one he wanted to spend his life with and he was sure there was no one else that could make him feel even the half sight of happiness she made him feel by just looking at him. But for some reason, watching her right now made all his anxiety fade away.

He knew he was fine, he was happy and most important... he was finally home.

All the Love <3

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