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*Ellies POV*

It has taken me 20 minutes to find a bathing suit, I want to look good for meeting out new neighbours.. you know for a good first impression, and not because im hoping that they have a son around my age.......

I decided on a green bathing suit, it's not to much but it still looks really cute. [image at the top]

"Ellie, time to go!" Harper shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

"coming Harp!" i said putting the last bits and peices in my bag.

We decided to walk as it was only across the street a little.

*a͟t͟ t͟h͟e͟ l͟e͟b͟l͟a͟n͟c͟s͟*

We arrived the house and my mom rang the doorbell.

A boy that looked around my age answered, And I'm ain't gunna lie... he is so cute.

We locked eyes for a couple of seconds before a little girl came up behind him then followed another little girl who looked a little older than the last.

"mom, our new friends are here!" Shouted the little girl.

Katie appeared from behind the door "Welcome guys! Come on in"

"Thank you Katie" says my mom. She interduced herself then said  "These are my girls, Ellie and Harper" pointing to each of us.

We gave a slight wave and a smile and we walked into the house.

"hi, my name is hayley" the little girl said .

"hi hayley" i said knelling down to become closer to her height. "my name is Ellie and this is my little sister Harper"

"yep, tho you guys can call me Harp" she said while looking at them.

"My name is Annie, Do you do gymnastics"  she said in a rush.

"wow wow annie, calm down we only just met them" the boy said with a giggle.

"hi im caleb, sorry about annie she loves gymnastics" he said scratching the back of his neck while turning to me.

"It's fine" I giggled "I actually love gymnastics I'm level 7 but had to quit because we were moving here, but I'm thinking of joining again."

"Yes! You really should, I'm level 7. We could be there together" she said getting exited.

"That would be amazing I will have a talk with my mom later about it" I said getting nervous because I was standing so close to Caleb.. did I mention he's really cute?

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