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*Calebs POV*

"Caleb if I were you, I would talk to Ellie now" Hayley said coming up behind me

"Yeah hay hay, your probably right" I said
Giving her a hug and getting up from my stool, making my way down stairs

The girls where in their onesies and we're doing the question of the day, I finally caught Ellies eye and motioned her to come over to me .

"Can we talk?" I mouthed trying to be quiet not wanting to interrupt

"I'm going to the Bathroom" Ellie said telling the others

She made her way over to me
"What do you want Caleb?" She whispered

"Come to my room I'm going to explain everything" I said grabbing her hand, pulling her to my room and closing the door behind us.

We were sitting on my bed, "listen, I know I've made a mistake and I'm sorry, but basically me and Amanda used to be a "thing". I said air quoting that last word

"Caleb why wouldn't you tell me this?" She said

"Hang on, let me finish" I said holding her hand

"I didn't tell you because I thought that we were over and that we had completely moved on from each other but apparently she hasn't moved on, but I realise now that I have made a mistake, I've had such a terrible day knowing that you were upset with me" I said looking in her eyes

"Caleb, i just wish that you would have told me sooner but I'm glad that I know now" she said looking in my eyes

"So will you forgive me?" I said smiling

"of course I do bubba!" She said giving me a hug

We pulled away, our faces very close to each other, i feel like now is the perfect time to kiss her, so I did

I leaned in and connected our lips together, her hands found her way to my neck. We pulled away, our foreheads touching while we look in each other's eyes.

"I love you Ellie" I say out of nowhere,

She looked at me shocked
"Really?!" She said getting excited

I nodded and giggled at her reaction.

"I love you, Caleb" she said reconnecting our lips together, she pulled away and blushed

We cuddled eachother for a while,
"You know I don't think Amanda will stop being jealous" Ellie said disappointed

"Yeah I know, but don't worry it's you and only you for me"I said, she smiled tightening her grip on me.

"We should probably head back out there" I said disappointed, not wanting her to leave

"Yeah they will be thinking I ran away or something" she said, we laughed getting down from my bed and opening the door.

We hear a lot of "shhhh" coming from the girls. We look at eachother confused and walk into the room.

Everyone was smiling at us, Ellie looked at them confused and I just smiled

"So Ellie.. didn't know Calebs room was the new bathroom" Annie said smirking at us

"Whatttt?" Ellie said pretending she didn't know that Annie was talking about

"Come on, it was obviously you weren't the going to the bathroom" Katie said in a face if disbelief

"Fine you guys caught us." I said with my hands up

Ellie just laughed, we joined them, we all watched a movie together.

"Goodnight bubba" Ellie said giving me a kiss

"Goodnight baby, I love you" I said kissing her forehead

Ever one else is in their sleeping bag,  Me and Ellie ended up falling asleep on the couch next to eachother.

Hey guys hope your enjoying💜

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