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*Calebs POV*

"When do you leave for gym again?" I ask Annie finally looking up from the ground

"We're leaving in like 10 minutes, why?" She asked

"I have to talk to Amanda, whatever she said to Ellie has screwed up our relationship, and I need to know what it was" I said standing up

"Yeah your right, you should probably go tell Ellie your going, just so she doesn't think your leaving her" she said

"Yeah I'll meet you at the door I'm a minute" I said walking up stairs and going to Annie's room


*Annie's room*

"Ellie?" I said knocking the door

"What Caleb?" She said in a harsh tone, not opening the door

"I know Amanda said something to you.." I said with my forehead against the door

She stayed quiet..

"I'm going to talk to her, I can promise you whatever she said isn't true, you know I would do nothing to hurt you" I said

"How do I know that Caleb? We have only ever had three big arguments and they have all been over Amanda" she said, I could hear her chocking up

"I want nothing to do with her, I promise.." I whispered


*in the car*

"How come your coming Caleb?" My mom said from the front

"Just felt like coming" I said smiling, I didn't want my mom to know either... or at least until it is officially over

The car ride felt extremely long, I couldn't stop thinking about our situation, what if I loose her for good? What if it's really over?

"Okay we're here guys" my mom said hopping out of the car

We walked through the doors, Annie went strait inside while me and my mom took a seat at the side, and that's when I saw Amanda, she was walking towards us making her way to the beams

"I gotta go to the bathroom" I said to my mom

She nodded, I walked up to Amanda

"Can we talk?" I said whisper yelling

"Have you finally decide to take me back?" She said smirking

"What no!" I said as we walked into a room with no one inside

She gave me a dirty look
"how's your girlfriend? Is she feeling better? Heard she went home sick" she said pouting

"What did you say to her?!" I asked almost yelling

"Oh I didn't tell her anything Babe, I showed her this" she said holding up her phone with messages on it

Messages that were apparently from me?! saying that I didn't even love Ellie and that I wanted to break up with her...

I shook my head
"These aren't true, who made those?! Because of you my relationship is ruined!" I said loosing my temper

She laughed
"That was the plan baby, let's just say me and you "best friend" Luke, make a great team" she laughed

"Luke?" I whispered in disbelief

"That's right" she said laughing
"Now I can have you and Luke can finally have Ellie" she smirked touching my face

"You are unbelievable!" I said storming out of the room and back into the gym

"Mom we need to leave" I said watching

"What's wrong honey?" She asked worried

I looked behind me and see Amanda smirking to herself and she walked back to the beams, joining everyone else

"I'll explain everything in the car, but can we please just go?" I said impatiently

"Sure let's go" she said grabbing her purse

*in the car*

"So your telling me that Luke likes Ellie, and Amanda still like you, so they worked as a team to write those messages to split you and Ellie up?" She asked with her eyes still on the road

"Yes! Unbelievable right? Luke was supposed to be my best friend! I mean I knew he liked Ellie, but who wouldn't!? " I groaned throwing my head in my hands

"I'm so sorry Caleb" she sighed
"Tell Ellie the truth, you need to win her back Caleb, you guys are meant to be" she said giving me a soft smile

"Yeah we are, but what if she doesn't believe me mom? I'll loose her forever.." I said tearing up

"Soulmates always find their was back to each other bubs" she smiled


You really thought Caleb would do that to Ellie? Definitely not!!!

Hope you enjoyed💜
Lots of love💜

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