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*Ellie's POV*

It's already been two days without Caleb, they have went by pretty fast but it's still not the same, usually I would be over at their house building forts with Hayley, filming a video with Annie for her channel or having nerf wars with Caleb.

We have FaceTimed a lot, they've  been busy a lot so it's been hard to squeeze in time to talk, but Any chance we get, we do.

I can't help but think about what it would be like if I was in Australia with them. And that's when it hit me, why can't I be?

"Mom?! Mom!" I yelled running out of my room and down the stairs

"What's wrong Ellie?" She asked worried

I was out of breath by the time I got to the couch where she was.

"Can you Check if there is any flights going out to Australia, pleasee?" I said dragging out the "e"

"Ellie you know I couldn't afford that all by myself" she said looking at me

"I'll help!, I have some money that I have been saving" I said in a hurry

She sighed "okay fine" she said beginning  checking flights on her phone

"Yesss!" I said jumping up and down.

"What's going on?" Harp asked coming out from her room and running down stairs.

"Mom is going to get us flights to Australia, So we can see everyone!" I said picking her up and spinning her around

"Oh my god, really?!" She asked shocked

"Okay, there is one leaving tomorrow night at 7:00, does that sound good?" She asked looking up from her phone

"Are you kidding?, that's Amazing." I said smiling at her

"Thanks mum!" Me and Harp said giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek

"Okay I need to check with Katie first just to check she's okay with it" she said getting Katie's number up on her phone

"Oh! Tell her not to tell the kids, I want it to be a surprise!" I said running up to my room

I can't believe we are actually going to Australia, I get to see Caleb again! And the girls!

"Ellie!" I heard my mom yell

"Yeah mom?" I asked running down stairs

"Katie said that's a great idea, she told me what hotel they are staying in so I will book us a room there." She said walking into the kitchen to start dinner

"Mom your a lifesaver, thank you"I said hugging her.

I decided to FaceTime Caleb, hoping I won't give to much away, he answered

"Hey nugget" he said

"Hey bubba, watcha doing?"

"We just got back from our first day a vidcon, and our room service just got here"

"Cool, I miss you" I said pouting

"We all Miss you, wanna say hi?" He asked Hayley who was laying beside him

"Hey Ellie!" She yelled waving at me

"Hey hayhay, I miss you!!" I said waving back

"I miss you too" she said then Annie came up from behind her

"Ellie!!" She said taking the phone from Caleb, she was filming for the vlog

"Guys, here's Ellie!" She said pointing the camera at me

I waved at them and she gave the phone back to Caleb, we continued to talk for about 30 minutes.

"Caleb can I talk with Ellie for a second?, I'll be quick" Katie said

"Sure" he said handing the phone to Katie, she went out into the hall.

"Hi Katie!" I said waving

"Hey Ellie!, I can't wait for you guys to come out to see us, we miss you guys!" She said

"I know! We miss you guys too, Harp is so excited to see Hayley" I said giggling

"I can imagine" she said laughing. "Okay I will give the phone back to Caleb now, I'll see you tomorrow!" she said smiling

"Bye!" I said waving

She gave the phone back to Caleb and we talked for a while longer, I was getting a little tired and dinner was almost ready.

"I have to go dinner is ready, I will FaceTime you tomorrow!" I said trying not to smile

"Okay bye, I love you" he said blowing me a kiss

"I love youuu!" I said dragging out the "u"

" bye Ellie!" Katie said poking her head up behind Caleb and winking.

"Bye guys!!" I laughed and hung up.

I'll see you soon......


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Lots of love xo

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