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*Ellies POV*

"Wakey wakey everybody, it's 5am we need to leave soon" I heard Katie say as she entered the room

We all groaned and moved around trying to get comfortable again

"Come on, it's time to go home" she said in a high voice

"Noo I wanna stay forever" I groaned burning my face into Calebs neck

"Me to" Hayley groaned from the other bed

"We got to go home and see the puppy's" she trying to convince us

We lay in bed for another 10 minutes trying to wake up a little,

"Come on dork" I said pulling at Calebs arm to
Get him out of bed

"5 more minutes" he said pulling the blankets over himself again

"Fine, I guess Hayley will just have to sit with me on the plane since your not coming" I said playing with him

He pulled the blankets down from his face and gave me a smirk

"No way" he said pulling me on top of him and started to kiss me

"Remember we're still here" Annie said waving from across the room

"Whoops forgot" Caleb said laughing


We are all ready to leave, it's currently 5:45 and our flight is at 7:20. We were originally meant to be leaving after noon but that flight got cancelled so this was the only time available

"Say goodbye to the hotel!" Katie said filming

"Goodbye" we said waving

"I'm gunna miss it" I said

"Me too, that was the best trip ever!" Annie said

"It really was, but we need to hurry and catch a cap before we're late" Katie said laughing


We are currently waiting in line to go through security, the line is moving really slow and I'm really hungry.

"Oh my gosh, my stomach is rumbling so bad" I said laughing

"Mine too" Paige said laughing

"We shouldn't have to wait too much longer, hopefully" Katie said

It's our turn to go through and we went through pretty quick, we are in a little bit of a rush now but we still have time to eat

"Looks like McDonald's it is" Katie said filming us

"Yeah guess so, since its the only thing that's open" Paige said

"Okay you guys get a table and film, Paige and I will bring the food to you guys" Katie said handing us the camera

"So.. we are at McDonald's.." Caleb said

"Why are you so weird?" Annie said snatching the camera off him

"So basically what he was trying to say is that it's 6 in the morning and we are at McDonald's since it's the only thing open, was that so hard?" She asked Caleb

Caleb just gave her a "whatever" look and I laughed

"Food is served" Katie said setting the tray down and grabbing the camera

"Finally" Hayley said digging in


We are stepping onto the plane right now, it's my first time on a plane with Caleb which I'm excited about

"You scared?" I asked Hayley

"Yeah a little, can I sit with you and Caleb?" She asked looking up at us

"Of course you can hayhay, we just have to hope that the person sitting with us is kind enough to swap with you" I said picking her up

We have just sat down and are waiting to take off, Hayley got to sit with us, the lady was lovely and agreed to swap with Hayley.

"Okay I'm gunna go to sleep" I said laying my head on Calebs shoulder

"Goodnight dork, or should I say good morning" he said and laughed

I rolled my eyes and giggled at him before drifting of to sleep


"Baby, baby" I heard as Caleb gently kissed my cheek

"Mhm" I said rubbing my eyes

"We're here" he said kissing my cheek again

"Really?!, I slept through the whole flight?" I asked shocked

"Yep and you sleep talked a little too" he said laughing

I laughed and began to back up my stuff again..


"Home sweet home!" Katie said filming us as we stepped of the plane

"Now we need to get home in a cab, then.. go get our puppy's!" She yelled and we all cheered

"There gunna be so excited to see us" I said smiling

"They are!" Katie said


"Thank you!" Katie said before closing the cab door and unlocking the front door

"We're home!" Hayley said running straight for the couch

My mom and Harper decided to stay for another week just because they liked it so much, so I'll be staying here until they come back

"Oh my gosh I don't think I have missed a house this much in my life" I said instantly running out the back door

"The lake!" Annie said pointing out

"I missed that view so much"Katie said walking up behind us with the camera

"Okay load up in the car it's time to go get our pooches!" Katie yelled excitement


Hope you guys enjoyed💜
Lots of love💜

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