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*Calebs POV*

It's the next morning and I'm the first one awake, my mom ordered room service and it just arrived, just as I start to eat Annie and Ellie come walking in the room at the same time

"Good morning sleepyheads" I said laughing

"Caleb I'm not in the mood" Annie said sitting down to eat her food, she is always grumpy in the morning usually it's me that is grumpy but I guess I'm just in a good mood today.

"Good morning bubba" Ellie said sitting beside me and kissed my cheek

"Did you guys have a good sleep?" Mom asked still editing yesterday's vlog

"Yeah I slept like a baby" Ellie said laughing

"That's because you were beside me" I said raising my eyebrows

"Gross" Annie said pretending to throw up.

We all laughed, Hayley is always last to wake up, although she is always first asleep she is never first awake.

We have all finished our breakfast and are playing Minecraft and waiting for Hayley to wake up.

"Well good morning sleeping beauty" I heard Ellie say to Hayley walking into the room

Hayley climbed up beside Ellie and cuddled into her.

"Is harper ready yet?" Hayley asked looking over to our mom

"Hayley its 10am, you still have time" mom said laughing

After Hayley finished her food we all got changed into our vidcon outfits, Ellie looked really pretty, her hair was crimped due to having Braids all night and she was wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

*Ellies POV*

"Alright, is everyone ready?" Katie said turning to us

"Yep I think so" I said looking around making sure we haven't forgot anything

We headed over to my room where my mom and Harper are. Hayley is going to go swimming downstairs at the pool with Them while we are gone at vidcon.

"Thanks for taking care of her Louise" Katie said giving her a hug

"Anytime, have fun guys" mom said waving at us as we walked out the door

I gave her a wave and closed the door.

"Ready for your first day at vidcon nugget?" Caleb asked grabbing my hand

"I'm kinda scared, but really excited... I'm nervcited!" I said and everyone laughed


We have just arrived at vidcon and there is ALOT of people, no one has noticed us yet but I'm pretty sure they will start too soon

We arrived at the stand that they are doing the meet up at, I have decided to just sit in the back.

"Oh my gosh, Caleb! Is that Ellie?" a little girl asked pointing to me

He laughed
"yep that my girl" he said turning to look at me

I smiled and gave the little girl a wave, she looks so sweet

"Can I have a picture with you please?" She asked

I was shocked, nobody has asked me for a picture yet

I looked at Caleb and he smiled and nodded

"I-sure!" I said getting up from my seat

I walked up to her and smiled at the camera

"You should really start a youtube channel, I would definitely watch it" she said straight after we took the picture

"Oh I would love to bu-" I began to say, but was cut off

"You could do fun challenges with Caleb, Annie and Hayley" She said smiling

I wasn't sure at the start, but now that I think about it, that's actually doesn't sound to bad.

"Yeah that sounds like fun! I'll definitely think about it" I said giving her a hug

"Bye!" She said and began to walk off

I gave her a wave and smiled

"Looks like someone's got their first fan" Caleb said smiling

"Stop!" I said playfully hitting him on the shoulder.

"I think having a channel is a great idea" he said sitting next to me

"yeah I sounds like fun, now go get back to your stand!" I said giving him a push


We just finished the stand, and we are all tired. My mom rang Katie to tell her that Hayley fell asleep, so she Is staying the night in our room.
I'm staying the night in Calebs hotel room again, to be honest I will probably be staying there every night.

"So how was your first day Ellie?" Katie asked as she unlocked the door to the room while vlogging us

"So fun! Can't wait to do it again" I said running in the room and flopping onto the bed

I felt a weight fall on top of me, it was Caleb of course.

"Oh my god Caleb!" I said laughing

"I love you" he whispered in my ear before getting off

"I love YOU" I said poking him on the chest

"No, I love YOU" he said poking me back

"Okay okay guys we get it, you love each other" Annie says laughing

"Guys get ready for bed!" Katie said from the couch

So we all got ready and got into bed, I have thought about the idea of having a YouTube channel and I've decided that I'm going to do it.

Katie said she will help me set it up when I'm ready, I'm glad that she knows how to do that stuff because I have no idea how to.

"Goodnight baby" Caleb said giving me a kiss

"Night bubs" i said cuddled into him


Hope you enjoyed!

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