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*Ellies POV*

Today is my first day back at gymnastics since I moved to Maryland, I talked to my mum about going along with Annie and she thought it was a great idea.

I'm wearing my hot pink Leo and some shorts that my mom bought me when she went shopping, I think Caleb is coming along with us which I'm exited about, I can't wait to meet all Annie's friends because that means I will have more friends too.

I got to the Leblancs about 10 minutes ago, we are waiting for Caleb to get ready. He always gets ready last minute and ends up making us all late, but I don't mind. Annie on the other hand get really angry with him.

"Mom can you please tell him to hurry, Ellie can't be late for her first day."Annie said whining.

"Annie, we won't be late." katie said laughing.

"Okay, I'm ready" Caleb said running up the stairs.

"Yeah, bout time"Annie said looking at her nonexistent watch.

"Hey Ellie, You look nice" He said giving me a hug.

"Thanks, I'm in a Leo tho" I said giggling

"You always look good" he whispered giving me a wink.

I blushed, how can this boy be anymore perfect? He is cute, funny and is such a flirt at the same time.


We got in the car and drove to the gym, when we got there Caleb gave me a hug.
"You'll do great" He said

"I hope so" I said walking away from with Annie. I gave them a slight wave and Caleb gave me a thumbs up.

*Time skip*

It was my turn on beam, I'm quite good at beam, I looked up and saw Caleb watching each with a smile, he looked at me and mouthed, "Go for it".

I took a deep breath and done a press handstand onto the beam, I done the basics until it got to the front Aerial, back walkover, I have landed one of these before but I don't know if I can do it again.

I looked up and Caleb was still watching, I decided to just go for it, and I stuck it perfectly. Then I done a round off dismount.

Everyone was cheering for me, I looked up and smiled at Caleb, he had the biggest smile, Katie was clapping and cheering for me too.

Then coach Mary came over to me,
"Ellie you are something else, you landed that so gracefully". And gave me a hug.

I giggled "thanks coach Mary, I couldn't have done it without you".

*after gym*

I saw Caleb and ran up to him giving him the biggest hug.
"You did so good!" He said

"Thanks! That was really scary" I said laughing

"Yeah Ellie, I couldn't believe you actually done it, I would never be able to stick that!"Annie said giving me a hug.

"Okay guys let's go get some food, Ellie you are welcome to come over for a while if you'd like." Katie said looking at me

"I would love that, thanks"I said smiling

Caleb grabbed my hand and we went to the car to go get some food, We decided on Taco Bell which is mine and Calebs favourite...

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